MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Why wasn't Grillo touchy feely with the ...

Why wasn't Grillo touchy feely with the Mum instead of the Daughter?

Why wasn't the Mum a bit concerned about Grillo giving the daughter the vest (obvious undue attention), always stayed close to the daughter, held the daughter's hand in the car after being shot ... especially with Grillo being 10 years older than the mum.


I think the point was the daughter reminded him of his son, so they had a deeper connection.


I tried seeing it that way but there was too much interest shown in the daughter for this to be realistically the case. It was over done. Plus the single Mum would have feelings for the man who saved her and her daughter and continued helping them, so it would be more noticiable.


There is little doubt that Grillo will end up with Eva. It just takes time he was very damaged by what happened to his son, and seeing Wilson's wife was the reason he did not kill him ( which made him think of Eva and the daughter). He learned a lot from Eva and her and the daughter will help him love again.


I kind of felt like Grillo's character never was going to kill Wilson.

He may have convinced himself he was going to do it, but at heart Grillo's character was a protector, not an avenger (heh - cross-movie reference).

Big Daddy recognized that "flaw" in him, and tried to kill him for it.


Sometimes men attempt to impress moms by being attentive and protective toward their children. Although I don't think Grillo, at that point, exhibited attention for that reason.

In this case, I purely agree with another poster. The deeper connection with the girl was because she reminded him of his son.

Perhaps his son was youthful, curious, empathetic, and compassionate like the girl. She challenged him and engaged him. The mom just kind of stood by and was standoffish. I imagine she was cautious about interacting with men, in general, because of the types in her neighborhood and from being a waitress. Maybe she was afraid Grillo would take her approval and interest, too soon, in the wrong way.


Your post says a LOT about you and it's all very creepy.


My post says I'm a Mum putting myself in Eva's place. Here is this guy killing people with zero compunction, a complete stranger who all of a sudden is over protective of my daughter. "Is he trying to preserve her for something later? After all Diego was always kind and polite but a few hours ago he broke into our home and was going to rape us."

Oh yeah, real creepy. You reading other crap into it is what's creepy.


No, you aren't creepy. They did a poll asking men of various ages the age of their ideal woman and all the men of every age said around 22. Women, on the other hand usually gave an answer for ideal man of about 2 years older than them.

Simply put, men like young women more than they like older women.


You are saying you would only help someone you are thinking of raping. You are disgusting. Try to spin it any way you want but you think like a rapist which says a LOT about you.


I get your concern, when looking at his character like a complete stranger you probably wouldn't trust him. (Although he did save her and her daughter and didn't get rid of that other desperate couple, which says something.)

But I just never saw those scenes with him and the girl as creepy, probably because we have that one scene in the beginning of the movie, where you see that he has lost a child and how that has messed him up. So whenever he was concerned for the girl, I just took that as his paternal instincts kicking in...


You've got some sick wiring going on in your mind.


Because it wasn't in any way sexual. Only virgins like yourself who can't help but think of what sex might be like if you ever scrounge up enough money to pay for it think everything is about sex.


Why wasn't the Mum a bit concerned about Grillo giving the daughter the vest (obvious undue attention), always stayed close to the daughter, held the daughter's hand in the car after being shot ... especially with Grillo being 10 years older than the mum.

Right right, lemme translate the misandrist, SJW, feminist post from Gemma here.

"HERP DERP! All men are pedophiles, ESPECIALLY the ones older than them. They ALL want to have sex with kids and cannot be trusted near them. Only women can be."

There. Discuss.


None of that has anything to do with being an SJW, feminist or misandrist. Just plain old stupidity.


Then you aren't very familiar with SJW's, feminists or misandrists.

It's their bread and butter, labeling themselves as victims or labeling men as pedo's or perpetrator's.


Sarge was treating Cali more like a daughter. He was overprotective of her because she was the youngest of the group and he lost his son.
