MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Poll : What would you do during "The Pur...

Poll : What would you do during "The Purge"?

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"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil



creepy that people actually voted rape


Why? Rape fantasy is quite popular among people.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


About the rape thing,

there are quite some studies where quite a lot of people anonymously said that if there would be no way for them to ever be found they would rape women.

Its a sad fact but thats how it is


Meanwhile quite some studies have shown that a third of women fantasize about being raped.

Thats kinda why BDSM exists, because it can easily be consensual rape.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Wtf no.

A) The idea of "rape fantasies" among women is largely a fallacy.

B) Even for people that do have a fantasy about that, there is a HUGE HUGE difference between *actually* being sexually assaulted and violated, and creating a situation in a controlled environment, no matter how much it might seem to mirror real rape.

C) If that's what you think BDSM is about then you have no understanding of it. Like what I described in point B it's all done in a controlled environment. The submissive one is ultimately the one that has all the control. And for the record, the overwhelming majority of BDSM practices involve women dominating men.


If it is a fallacy, why does anonymous polls show this to be the case?

I agree, there is a difference. I just pointed out that rape fantasy is quite popular and thus its not a surprise people would vote rape on a fantasy poll.

Rape fantasy is one, small, part of BDSM community. there is no one way of understanding BDSM, it involves many different people with different fetishes.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Anonymous polls could easily be men filling them out pretending to be women, wouldnt be the first time ive seen men pretending to be women to try and make them seem a certain way. I find it a little creepy you're defending these moronic creeps who selected they would rape people by implying some people wouldnt find it rape at all. You do realize a "rape fantasy" is a complete oxymoron dont you? Its literally impossible to have a legitimate rape fantasy by definition.


the polls were conducted in real life, as in these people were actually answering the questions and not just filling stuff in online. so unless those men all dressed up like women and claimed to be them, i doubt it.

I find it a little creepy that me providing information is being conflated with me defending anyone.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Obviously I'm talking about the IMDB poll. I'm going to assume you're trolling at this point, you had me going for awhile. If you arent then be aware that rape fantasies are rare and have nothing to do with real rape what so ever, IE someone who says they have rape fantasies would not enjoy a stranger breaking into their house and raping them. So yes you bringing that up in a conversation of what crime people would commit is irrelevant. Either you need to troll better or educate yourself on what rape fantasies actually are.


Well according to that study they are not as rare as people think. Case in point - you.

And yes, Rape fantasies are quite different than real life rape, but i never said they are same so not sure why you go on here. I merely said that given how many people fantasize rape it is no wonder some of them gave this answer in this IMDB poll as well.

People saying they would do X on IMDB is as close to reality as rape fantasies to real rape btw, so there is not "What crime people would commit" here.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


1. You never linked anyone any study

2. It's irrelevant since the poll here is about going out and raping because its the one day you can legally. That has nothing to do with people fantasizing about being "raped" which is what you were talking about. If someone wants to act out their rape fantasy of themselves being raped thats not something they have to wait one day a year for, AKA absolutely nothing to do with the movie poll in question, understand now?


My original statement, in full:

Why? Rape fantasy is quite popular among people.

Notice that word there - fantasy. And then i went to talk about a study (that yes i did not link because i do not have the link for it anymore, it was 4-5 years ago and i lost that link a while ago) where surprisingly large amount of women have also fantasized about being raped. So yes, it has everything to do with people fantasizing about being raped. you are the one trying to make it about real life rape.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


This IMDB poll is about "what CRIME would you commit if you could get away with it" A few guys said rape.

Someone said "that's creepy some guys chose rape"

You wrote "why?"

..And you are wondering why people are correcting you and thinking you are defending the guys who chose this option? In a topic about men wanting to go out and rape women because they cant get punished for it.. you start talking about it being common for women to fantasize about rape? You really aren't seeing the problem here??

This poll has NOTHING to do with fantasizing about being raped, the option is for someone wanting to do the ACT OF RAPE TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT IT HENCE WHY IT IS A CRIME.
How do you not see that you talking about a study about people fantasizing about having it done to them is the exact opposite of the topic here?

That's all I'm saying. You are off topic. You don't even have this study you claim to have seen anyways so there is even less point in you bringing it up.

Really hoping you're just a troll trying to trap me in a circular argument, and that you aren't just a delusional person who doesn't understand a pretty basic premise. Really hoping.


You do realize that people posting in this thread are expressing their FANTASY, not what they would actually go out and do?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Do you understand that this poll is about "what CRIME would you commit"? And you're posting about people fantasizing about being raped which has nothing to do with going out and committing a crime? Yes we know its hypothetical, that's not the issue here.
You're completely off topic, get it?


Why? Rape fantasy is quite popular among people.

Because it's RAPE ass hole.

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well, i guess i can concede that it is creepy that a lot of people would like to do a thing that is generally considered a bad thing.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


creepy that people actually voted rape

Creepy, yes. Surprising, no. The world is filled with terrible people.

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