MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Why people can't just go on vacation?

Why people can't just go on vacation?

I am stumped here, can some one explain, why they are all waiting for own ultimate fate when this event is planned every year on the exact date, or is this purge global when U.S. owns all countries?


plot hole. stupid. leave the country.


some people can't afford it.. especially the poor people.. kind of like when people don't leave when there is an evacuation (hurricane).. they just get used to the danger i suppose

Krillin: Man, that android is toast!
Piccolo: Yeah... More like, burnt toast.


Can't afford it doesn't make sense, they spend hundreds on stuff to board up their houses surely they could drive to canada or mexico and even sleep in their cars if they can't afford a hotel.

I can't see flights being that expensive in America everythings normally cheaper in US. in UK you could go to the Netherlands and get a hotel for the weekend for less than $100 and thats for the flights and the hotel.


cant explain the other character, but the mother and daughter was already have money problem that was explain in the beginning of the movie, they couldn't afford stuffs like their papa medicines,that why he sacrificed his life to help his Daughter and granddaughter in the money issue. So I cant see them be able to afford a vacation before that.


Maybe when this first started people ran away, but after awhile I'm sure the government didn't want this to happen and told them that they'd be safe as long as they stay off of the streets. Keep your place locked up an enjoy the night.

I dunno, but if a lot of people are not leaving then they've probably been conditioned to believe that they don't have to leave and that they'd be safe.

[insert witty comment here]


Prices for flights out of the country around the time of the purge would sky rocket. Increased demand = Increased price.



You don't even have to take a flight. Drive into the middle of Death Valley and hang out while it's happening. It begins at dusk, so you're not going to be too hot, and there's a lot of room to get lost out there.

This country is pretty damned big. Hell, you've got your pick of states to choose from. New Mexico would be a good place to hide, too. Not a whole lot going on out there.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


This country is pretty damned big. Hell, you've got your pick of states to choose from. New Mexico would be a good place to hide, too. Not a whole lot going on out there.

Yeah, that would certainly be my choice. America's a mammoth place. Easy to get lost.

Maybe it's frowned upon, socially or something. Considered un-patriotic.



Sorry for the late reply, but!

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe citizens are expected to stay in their towns or cities and throw their Purge parties or whatever. The very fact that everyone, whether rich or poor, in both this film and the first suggests that perhaps there is some pressure to stay near or close to home.

I'd like to see a film set from the POV of a Purger for the next film--perhaps someone who's really enthusiastic about purging initially but as the film goes on, becomes less interested in carrying through once they've seen they way some members of their group behave...could be interesting, and I'm not sure how many more times they can use this same formula they've got going now for future sequels; I think they explored the story from the viewpoint of the people being purged as much as they can.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


Actually this could be a good movie idea.... Think, they go to the wilds of ( insert the state) to be safe but there is the purge there too and they become hunted by everyone since no one knows them and that is how they purge... Outsiders


exactly, why is no one else considering this?


let's assume that 10% of the US population participates in the Purge every year. let's use a total population of around 300 million in the US.

that would make 30 million People running around doing whatever they wanted which leaves 270 million not doing anythng. where would 270 Million People go for 12 hours?


People were encouraged to participate in the purge, but if they chose not to they were at least expected to support it.

This was established in the first film with the blue flowers right at the beginning, which were put outside the house as a sign of support.

Leaving the country or even just the area would be seen as an act of rebellion against the purge. Since no one can really be trusted on purge night it's not worth the risk of someone informing the government.


Seems like in the first one it was said that whoever could get out of the country did, but that obviously the demand and cost would be too high for everyone to be able to.


People don't need to get out of the country. They can just take the bus out of town and hide in the wilderness until the purge is over. Everybody can afford that.


People don't need to get out of the country. They can just take the bus out of town and hide in the wilderness until the purge is over. Everybody can afford that.

So what you're saying is that if EVERYBODY is hiding in the wilderness, people wouldn't be like "yeah, let's time for a wildfire" and burn the forest down?

If everyone is doing it, then they'll be a bigger target just waiting for people to take them out. Be it in forest or a desert.


Why people can't just go on vacation?
This is like saying why people didn't get out when Katrina hit.

Incredibly stupid.

Zara Confirmed


lol. Knight-Reuter made me laugh.

OP let's see:

People don't want to leave their homes defenseless and where the eff would they go? Also, your natural reaction is to stay in your home. If you live in a major city and there is a riot/protest/general calamity outside, are you going to start wandering around looking for a "safe place?" Agreed that's like saying why does no one leave if a hurricane or tornado is coming to their city.

It's safe to say that most people don't have guns or weapons, so again, why are you going to venture outside? Your best bet is to do what the family in the first movie did: Lock yourself up safe and tight and ride it out.


No its not at all hurricanes and floods usually happen on short notice, the people in the purge have 1 year to save up for a holiday or even just a bus or train ticket to Canada or Mexico. Millions of brits go to Europe every year why can't americans leave the country.
