The Punisher


"Bring me a dream Burke,bring me a


Love the character. Own all 3 films on Blu-Ray. Would love to see a fourth film and would love to see Frank Grillo take a crack at it.


He would be awesome as the punisher. Even his car in this movie looked like something the punisher would drive.


For the Punisher, every night is the Purge.






I would agree.

Underrated actor that's for sure. I thought he stood out in Captain America too even if his role wasn't much.

He also had great acting outside of being a hard ass.

When he gets the perp that killed his kid he was very convincing without being over the top.


Totaly agree with the spoiler.


THREE Punisher movies? Excuse me, I got some urgent downloading to do...


Oh. The Dolph Lundgren one. Eh, I didn't count that.


The actor has actually expressed interest in playing The Punisher: -play-the-punisher/


^ Nice.


I'm feeling it. That would be a hell of a time.


Grillo would be a great Punisher, but he's already Crossbones in the Marvel Universe, so it would have to be outside the MCU films.


Not really, as Crossbones he will be in mask all the time, he could play the Punisher, would be a stretch but still, possible, and he wouldn't interact with the Avengers, he would be more street, like Daredevil and such

Bring me a dream Burke,bring me a


Does Disney/Marvel own the rights to Punisher or is it some other production company? It would screw around with the Marvel Universe being established, but they already sort of did it with Quicksilver and Fantastic Four/Captain America casts, so it's doable, albeit it weird for us audience members watching. I wouldn't mind it though. I think he fits the role really well.


Marvel Studios did get the film and TV rights to Punisher back, about the same time as Daredevil/Elektra, and Ghostrider.


Don't forget about Ryan Reynolds being both The Green Lantern and Deadpool.


Two different comic companies and studios. Green lantern is DC and Deadpool is Marvel. And is Ryan even going to portray Deadpool because last i heard it was no?


Ah, you're right... forgot about Green Lantern being DC. Ryan did more or less portray Deadpool as Wade Wilson in Wolverine, though he died so I guess it'd be another alternate reality or something :)


Chris Evans was Human Torch and Cap and they're both Marvel. Grillo as Punisher and Crossbones in the same universe would be pushing it though.


They're both Marvel, but they aren't both Marvel Studios'.

And Ryan Reynolds was Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity, also from Marvel.


The reason we have two different Quicksilvers is because two different studios have the rights to the characters. Fox has the rights in conjunction with the X-men and mutant characters and Marvel Studios retains the rights to the characters as Avengers. Marvel just can not promote them as mutants.

Chris Evens portrayed Johnny Storm while Fox retained the rights to the Fantastic Four. Now that the rights have reverted back to Marvel Studios and a new reboot is on the way, it doesn't matter that he was Johnny Storm. In the theatrical MCU the new Johnny Storm will be played by a different actor.


When he was shown driving in that car, the image of The Punisher immediately sprung to mind (his fighting and shooting skills were just the icing on the cake). And yeah, that guy would be perfect as Frank Castle.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who kept thinking Frank Castle the whole time he was on-screen. He'd be awesome in the role.


Agree, i thought the same thing that actor should play Frank Castle


HOLY CRAP. Dude, I literally only came to IMDB to make this EXACT same post.

All while he was driving around in the badass charger I was thinking "Oh man, Grillo would be perfect as The Punisher. I need to go on IMDB and make a post about that!"

Lo and behold, I didn't even have to click onto the forum to see your post shining through like corn in a turd.

Even if he doesn't make a Punisher flick, Grillo was the new Snake Plisskan in this movie. The Purge 2, in my opinion, is an instant classic. Well paced, well shot and the action was satisfying and intense.

I wasn't too fond of the digital blood, but they also had some squibbing, so I was satisfied enough.

But man oh man did Grillo rock in this movie. Totally underrated.


And i will add to the mix the directors of John Wick, another instant classic, put them together and you have your Punisher movie.

Bring me a dream Burke,bring me a dream!


That's what my brother said after 4 minutes of watching him.
