MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > The 'evil rich people' aspect is so corn...

The 'evil rich people' aspect is so corny

i think the wealthy classes would feel totally insulated and apathetic to the lower classes. Like Ethan Hawke's family in the first film.

Transforming into chanting, tuxedo-wearing psychotic murderers and risking their lives because it's some kind of ... luxurious treat or white privilege or whatever ... is pretty lame, though.

I always thought that was the cheesiest aspect of these films.


I don't know if it was mentioned in the first movie how long the Purge had been a thing, but in this one it was clearly described as the 6th Annual Purge which struck me as kinda strange. The way the rich folk chanted that strange prayer and seemed fine with killing the passive, poor old guy seemed more like it had been going on for decades, something they grew up with as being "normal". I was also surprised to see one of the New Founding Fathers on TV - from the first movie I'd assumed they were of an earlier time too, in order to have taken on this mythic status.


100% agree with the OP!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


I don't get this why is it so bad to portray some rich people as being psychotic but you raise no issue with all the poor people shown running around killing people.




Because the movie shows good and bad poor people and only bad rich people....


It was a throwback to 80s 'bloodsport' type arena/cage rip off movies which often had crowds of rich people

Best of the Best 2 is one of these movies


History teaches us a lot of lessons. You can see in Ancient Rome, the rich held slaves and had pleasure ruling and controlling over them. It is human nature at times. But I think it is a disease and we should be working to help each other not subjugate.

