MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Who the f_ck would want to stick around ...

Who the f_ck would want to stick around in the US for the next purge?

After going through all that? 

I would definitely leave the country.

Heck, I wouldn't even stick around for one purge. Let alone pretending like it's routine enough to drink wine and laugh it up while it's going on outside 

Crazy people.


I agree. I've seen both films, and during each, I thought, "Why would anyone other than the absolute loonies and the poor (who can't afford to leave) even bother staying in the US?" My guess is that the government has brainwashed them all very well.


I would 100% move overseas.


We don't know enough of the Purge World. I mean what the *beep* even happened for them to elect those New Founding Fathers? That had to be some messed up *beep* in the first place.

Maybe the rest of the world is even more *beep* up and insane than the USA? Maybe that's why there is a Purge in the first place? Because they managed to get their *beep* together from a total breakdown of society, by allowing this "one day of crime", while other countries still have total anarchy.

That's why I think a prequel movie would be really interesting, if I didn't know that they'd *beep* it up with weird choices.


I get the impression America is a Utopia the rest of the time, or at least feels that way to those on the "right side" of the regime. Also, I imagine it has become closed off and isolationist. I imagine the America of the Purge movies to be very similar to the Britain of V for Vendetta - Heck, they could both be in the same "world"!


I too was wondering that while watching the film.


If you are going to be realistic about it, then in reality, no sane person would live in the US as majority of big companies will shift their factories and companies to other countries outside (you know, places where you don't have a chance to be killed by your workers every year because of unpaid wages).

Basically, US would turn into a third world country in two-three years which nothing to gain in the end.

The new "Founding Fathers" will be taken out on the streets and shot in the head for coming up with the dumbest idea since the Europeans decided to import millions of muslim refugees in masses, who go around no raping and killing white people.


'The new "Founding Fathers" will be taken out on the streets and shot in the head for coming up with the dumbest idea since the Europeans decided to import millions of muslim refugees in masses, who go around no raping and killing white people'

LOL. Considering the amount of rapes reported in India, you accusing anyone else of rape is basically pot calling kettle black. NO dear, the dumbest idea would be to import thousands of backstabbing, greedy Hindus from India who have ZERO loyalty to the USA, will do anything for money and will send the whole country of the US down the river just so that the Zionist third column in the US keeps sending them cheques. The ONLY reason these hindus are imported into the US is because they are desperate enough to undercut the competition money-wise and this will lead to a further decrease in salaries. Add to the fact their natural arrogance,high-handedness and misogyny and you have a recipe for disaster.

Germany needs over 20,000 new immigrants to keep their pensions going. They didn't count on over 90,000 people showing up (but that's what you get when you devastate three countries). At least the Muslims will leave Europe once Syria and Iraq settle. After all, they're escaping a war zone. What's the Hindus excuse? That's they're leaving a land they've sullied despite 60 years of "freedom" and are going to sully ANOTHER country?


Because the poor cannot afford to leave. The Purge targets the poor and lower class who struggle to get by one day at a time.


The average American is clueless about the rest of the world. They think America is the best country in the world and everywhere else is like a poor African village. They imagine the standard of living in France or the UK or Spain or whatever would be horrible, etc. I think people like that would rather die in the US than go and see another part of the world.
