MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > why is there a restriction on the type o...

why is there a restriction on the type of weapon that can be used and

On who certain level cannot be killed, they should be hidden out of the way.

It's purge night should be no restriction, if 50 of my buddies and I have a rocket launcher, bulldozer, tractor, tank, amoured car we should be able to use them.


I'm assuming because that level of damage would be devastating enough that the government would have to spend a lot of money fixing things back up (and who wants to do that?). And it would take a while to fix all of the destruction and then have it come undone a year later. Since life is supposed to mostly go back to normal after the 12 hours (its just 12 hours, right?) it would be easier to do that if there wasn't a whole lot of property destruction. And from what I can tell a large part of it is about population control, not just getting out aggression. And honestly, I doubt the government (especially the government shown in this movie) cares what individuals really want. They care about keeping costs, population and crime down.


I'm assuming because that level of damage would be devastating enough that the government would have to spend a lot of money fixing things back up (and who wants to do that?).

Not to mention that the government has a balance of sorts. Can you imagine if they allowed Chainsaws, weed wackers, and lawnmowers as part of the purge? The sales for guns would hurt the market badly and I am sure a lot of the "founding fathers" were paid off by the NRA.


All those items are actually allowed. In all films we see plenty of death dekt by non-firearms. The limitation is to super destructive weapons for the reason the poster above mentioned. The idea is to quell the masses, not to destroy large amounts of infrastructure.


You CAN use chainsaws, flamethrowers, etc.

The restriction is for heavy ordinance -- artillery, mortars, RPGs, Mark 19 grenade launchers, basically military-grade stuff that could destroy property. I'm talking about buildings, infrastructure, etc. The point is to kill people, not to destroy cities.

Even with small-arms, a real life Purge would wreck the economy with all the damage, the health care and emergency services costs, the lost labor from the victims, the loss of all physical commerce, deliveries and shipments for the duration of the Purge itself. You'd have to shut down airports, docks and mass transit systems. You'd have at least another day of stalled commerce with all the wreckage and damage to the roads.

On the other hand, weapons manufacturers, security systems manufacturers and media would make a killing, along with alcohol sales. People self medicate during times of extreme stress, that's a fact. And I'd imagine a purge would be the reality TV event of the year, with the millions hunkering down at home watching the carnage.


the "founding fathers" were paid off by the NRA.

A truer statement has never been said


I always thought the New Founding Fathers were the NRA. The NRA was successful in taking over the government and instituting the Purge.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha (chaching) Whoops!"



If you go on the website for the New Founding Fathers of America, there's a page that shows some sort of poll for Purge laws. One of the options is to vote for making Purge related spending tax-deductable, which seems to have gained a lot of "yes" votes.

Imagine if they passed that law, and then everyone came to them complaining that their property was damaged and that they wanted to claim for it.


I read about the movies Purge laws and its illegal to use explosives, grenades, C4 etc, probably due to the damage. As soon as the Purge ends imagine how much damage and bodies they have to clean up and repair, cost them millions. So Im assuming they want to restrict the damage.


With no restriction, it would be the end of the world.
Nuclear weapons, biological weapons... you name it.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


Well one option they completely missed in the movie and I hope they show in part 3 is the madman, like the crazy one in stephen kings "the stand".
A madman who wants to see stuff burn and other crazy *beep*

A guy who goes after the cities gas pipeline or who wants to blow up a damm and so on.

Even without "class 4 or higher " weaponsthat would be possible.


Indeed it would be interesting.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.

reply's about preserving infrastructure. The government wants the less-valuable populations trimmed, but they don't want valuable property damaged--after all, that is probably owned by the wealthy, even when it's inhabited by poor people.


The restrictions are there for a reason, but one thing I cannot understand: Why do people follow those restrictions? I mean come on... few reasons not to:

1) You are there to wreak havoc and you are in a constant threat of dying. You probably wouldn't mind about few very very very unlikely sanctions. Mostly because you are thousands of times more likely to die during the purge than be prosecuted for using illegal weapons.

2) Even if you'd use some high explosives etc. there would be zero to none chance of anyone ever finding that out. Firstly because of all the other carnage around the investigation would be impossible and secondly no witness statement should be taken for truth.

3) In the case witness statements could be used to prosecute someone for using illegal weapons during the purge, then people would begin lying about those things to get their enemies prosecuted and that would kinda ruin the whole idea of the purge.

4) There are no law enforcement in place to stop you from using whatever the crap you want. Why? Because they would be in a constant threat of dying and would have to unwillingly participate in the purge, which ofc, isn't the idea of the purge.

So all in all, the restrictions are there for a reason, but there are NO reasons what so ever to NOT use the illegal weapons. So the fact that those illegal weapons are not used more often in the movie bugs the crap out of me, since you are not the nicest of persons if you participate in the purge and that would kinda make you care a little less about the rules, when there's no chance in hell you'd get caught breaking them.


Seemed like they had cameras everywhere, monitoring people, because when the revolutionaries used the explosives to bust in and save the main characters, a voice sounded saying they had used a restricted weapon and would be prosecuted. So I guess after the Purge ends, there's an investigation, and if they can figure out who the perpetrator was, they'll prosecute them. I'm guessing the penalties for breaking the law in this society are not lenient, either.


The penalty for using illegal weapons in the purge might be that you're left chained up in the street in the next purge.


because you don't seem to grasp the idea of the Purge.

You're not supposed to blow *beep* up and kill political leaders. You're supposed to shoot, in essence, poor people. Using explosives is prohibited, because the destruction would be too much and the murders wouldn't be regulated anymore. It's not a night of "Do whatever you want". It's a night of "You're allowed to kill people, but the rich people are deep inside their bunkers.. soooo if you unleash the beast.. sure, try to get into these bunkers.. but you could just as easily kill a homeless person. Just sayin'"


If they didn't restrict weapons someone could literally nuke the entire United States and they'd have to be like, "Well, in the name of the purge I guess."


The New Founding Fathers want people to trim down the population. They make it legal for people to take out their aggression on each other, not on public property. They also want to keep the violence contained to the poor segments of the population. Limiting the use of heavy weaponry keeps the rich safe in their bunkers and turns everyone's focus on those who can't afford robust protection.

Also, the people who made the movie needed to have a reason for why cities weren't legally burnt to the ground at the end of every Purge.


In a way it still doesn't make a lot of sense. If someone were to use high level explosives, how would the NFFA find out who was responsible? It's not like the person would turn himself/herself in....


Correct, it doesnt make much sense. Its a major plot hole, among many others, that I have an issue with. As far as we know, no firemen or police or anyone employed by the government is expected to respond to emergencies. What is stopping someone from walking into each skyscraper and setting the building on fire? By the time the purge is over the entire city will be leveled to the ground.


In the Law of Land Warfare, you can't use .50 caliber on single combatants, but you can on a squad or larger, at least that's what I was told in automatic weapons instruction training. You also can't use weapons that employ "fire" in a way in which causes unnecessary suffering /shrug

36. Weapons Employing Fire The use of weapons which employ fire, such as tracer ammunition, flamethrowers, napalm and other incendiary agents, against targets requiring their use is not violative of international law. They should not, however, be employed in such a way as to cause unnecessary suffering to individuals. 5-12.1A.pdf

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
