MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Why not just go on holiday?

Why not just go on holiday?

Grab your passport, pack up a few things and take a car/bus/plane/boat to a nice normal country for a few days...


Same thing crossed my mind but with the purge being a nationwide event it would be difficult also. Sure some might be able to but many others I'm sure would not be able to afford it. Some Americans cant even afford to take a cross state trip.


True, but that still makes me wonder why the wealthy families like the one in the first movie would waste money on a state of the art security system. They clearly had enough money to take a vacation out of the country.


Well the wealthy can indeed. There are a few though who would stay in their homes because they will feel the need to protect what is theirs, that is their property. They wouldn't leave their homes unattended; some of them sadly rather die in their homes.

Other than that, some of them would want to stick around and view the event like its Christmas. Real twisted.


I think they stayed home because dad sell the security systems, he had to be an example to the neighbours, to keep making money.
But Liz and Shane should have leave.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


That, and they were so naive that they thought nobody would come looking for them. One of the points made in the first film is that the security systems aren't actually that secure; mostly they just look very secure and the majority of the time, Purgers will look at them, decide it's too much effort to try and break through, and move on.


They have to stay and protect their stuff. Remember ALL crime is legal. They would come back to a house burned to the ground. No insurance would cover it since they left it unprotected.


Imagine how expensive the airlines and hotels would make flights/accomodation if The Purge was real ... it would cost a small fortune.


I was thinking the same thing... the prices of airline tickets a few days before the Purge will significantly increase to a level that middle class citizens would no longer be able to afford it. A trip out of the US that would normally cost $2,000 per person may now cost $20,000 per person. I think middle class families would significantly downsize their expenses (i.e., live in smaller homes or multi-generational homes, share bedrooms, kids work and bring in an income at younger ages, etc.) so the families could afford the once a year plane ticket out of the US, which would defeat the purpose of the Purge being a way to get people to spend more money and boost the economy.


was thinking the same thing... the prices of airline tickets a few days before the Purge will significantly increase to a level that middle class citizens would no longer be able to afford it. A trip out of the US that would normally cost $2,000 per person may now cost $20,000 per person.

^This. I can't believe people make these complaints but never sit down to really think about the ramifications of what something like this scenario would entail.


This is what happened in the 3rd movie for property insurance.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


The government will make sure it ain't happening by various tactics.



In the theoretical world of the Purge, I'm certain that plenty leave the country. But The vast majority of the people living here simply cannot afford to do that That is much of the point of the second movie.

The second story is an allegorical (and darkly satirical) representation of where US society is headed, and in some cases surpassed.

So basically, your question is answered in the themes. Watch it again and look at the examinations of the social backgrounds of each person or group, spanning multiple races/classes. There's a lot of interesting things tucked into the story--thematically overpowering the first movie.


Imagine if you left you flight booking to the last minute and only got the last flight before the purge, that leaves at 6:45. On the tarmac, ready to go then the captain's voice comes on; "Ladies and gentlemen, we apologise but we have a technical issue. It is being repaired but will cause a delay of approx 30mins........."

Oh F#ck!


you'd have to be out of usa air space before the purge otherwise somebody on the plane would start killing everybody lol


This whole movie lacks serious logic. In reality, this kind of system wouldn't let a country function properly, it would bring it into chaos and destruction after the second purge, tops.
Plus, there are so many plot holes that this movie doesn't even deserve to be analyzed with logic, just let it go as another Bay-movie. They don't usually have logic in them anyway.


why wudnt it let a country function properly?

1. its only for a day
2. one of the purpose of purge is population control. so if some important person is killed, there is always someone to replace him. the population is rising and the earth's resources are declining so they needed such a system.


Clearly stated in the movie is a purpose of "getting rid of poor people". The majority of targets aren't the rich in the movie. Society is improperly designed in real life so that it allows a class of poor people to exist at all. With proper design, no one would be without, greatly reducing crimes. Most crime is caused by the fact that some people have a lot while others don't have enough. This creates hate and feelings of worthlessness when every person deserves to live simply because they were born on the planet.

Population control isn't necessary when resources are managed, which isn't happening right now. Resources are being wasted for the purpose of profit. New cars every year with a few tiny "improvements", new cell phones, computers, etc. Homes and other buildings being built on the same blueprints of flammable materials, very few of which are updated to use solar and other energy/resource saving technologies. Millions of tons of food thrown away every year in the United States. Enough food is grown, but people don't have "the money" to exchange for it.

Utah has found a better way, giving housing to homeless without conditions. It costs them less to do that.

I know some people will say communism, socialism, giving stuff to people for free, no one deserves something for nothing or at the cost of people who work. We have a high level of technology available that isn't being used and would reduce the workload for everyone, improving everyone's lives. Why would anyone argue against that if it would reduce crime? If nothing is being taken from you? Violence is not necessary. We have brains, we need to start using them.


> why wudnt it let a country function properly?

Because with the Purge, the changes of dying on March 21st are very real. Society would function very differently if you, your family, and everyone you knew had a significant chance of being dead within a year. You simply wouldn't grow too attached to anyone. Nor would you really have too much respect for anyone if you knew that they could legally kill you if you said the wrong thing to them at the wrong time.

Twice we've seen in this franchise that beloved friends and relatives will turn and try to kill you on March 21st. So, locking yourself in with anyone but yourself is a risky move.

> 1. its only for a day

But, the ramifications of what happens on that day will affect every other day of the year. If you rape your boss on Purge day, how do you think the rest of the year will go at your job? We saw that the maintenance man was preparing to rape the two women. Wouldn't that have been a little awkward the rest of the year? How are you going to deal with people in your day-to-day life if you know that one mistake or wrong word and they will get to legally kill you?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Society would function very differently if you, your family, and everyone you knew had a significant chance of being dead within a year.

But that is true without a purge. the leading cause of death in the US is car accidents followed by cardiac arrests. both can happen suddenly, lead to death within seconds and may be unavoidable. The chances to die every day ARE real. people however dont like to think about death and like to pretend it doesnt happen to them. so society would continue to function just fine.

How are you going to deal with people in your day-to-day life if you know that one mistake or wrong word and they will get to legally kill you?

Well, the followers of #killallmen hashtag sure wants to try that. Though i think they would be the one dieing when things got ugly.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


> But that is true without a purge. the leading cause of death in the US is car accidents followed by cardiac arrests.

You missed the most important word in my post -- "significant." Yes, automobile accidents happen, as well as heart attacks. But, in any given year, there is only a very small chance that anyone in your family will die. And certainly the chances that 3-4 family members will die is very tiny. Those chances are small enough that people don't worry about it.

But, under a purge scenario, the chances of a family member or good friend dying during a purge is significant. And that's something that people talk about all year long and build their lives around. Some buy guns and security systems while others make plans to kill someone. Employers have to make contingency plans in case half of their work force fails to come to work the day after the purge.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Think of how many people are killed on that one day of the year... Those people have jobs, they have roles and work in the community. Apartment building get infiltrated by army-like soldiers? Think of the businesses that have just lost their skilled labour... school teachers, local butcher, supermarket employees... gone... even if proportionately more poor people are killed, what happens? jobs in manufacturing, service, all gone. Think of the costs of retraining people every year... business owners will be worse off because they have no/less workers... cost of business goes up, economic growth slows especially compared to the rest of the world who don't purge every year. The country will definitely be worse off.

Not to mention the mass emigration the country would be experiencing by people who don't want purge... People going on holiday? No way, you would completely leave to another country, screw that. Even the wealthy... we saw in the first movie that even money doesn't buy you protection, so even your high paid workers... doctors, engineers, etc will leave to live somewhere else...

And then of course we have, as mentioned problems of living the rest of the year in fear of saying the wrong thing to your neighbour or boss, or having to live next to the guy that tried to rape you etc.

I am actually surprised the country made it to the 6th year of purging and didn't, after the first one be like "this is a terrible idea let's change it back" lol


I kind of agree.. also the purge won't work at all. Do you think in the motorbikes and psycho killers or the crazy mad rich deserves to live?

The victims were 2 poor girls for example, that work for a living. A real purge would be kill the people in JAIL for example. If you are thre is because you were against the law hardly.

But killing random people on the street is ilogical. Also it sounds the bell and it's all OK? WTF. There would be panic and unstability for the rest of the year.

But I accept it is amovie and it was pretty entertaining since people become crazy and kill just for fun (anyway the killers were part of goverment).


Because they won't allow you to leave for that "holiday". The only people who could are people who have immunity and that is the government officials only.


Considering that it's the (near) future the story supposedly takes place in, it is possible that the rest of the world is in ruins and completely lawless


I think the best idea would be to travel to a remote state like Montana and camp in the woods for a day. Somewhere really far away from people lol.

Ignore the smoke.


Errr.. not really, why would you say that? Pretty sure at least in Europe where the crime rates are significantly lower than the US, it could be civilized.
