Your weapon of choice...

...what would that be?


Bow and Arrow,


kardashian skull fragments.


Katana always


A Tank

I'm the Most Special.
See You Soon.
Banned from


remington 870 express tactical magpul

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


glock17...but defensive measures seem more of the way to go.


Intelligence. I would be eating Paella on the beach in Spain laughing about idiotic dumb Americans, as I already do. It is really not hard to imagine too. Only recently I saw news that a girl from a talent show was murdered in Florida, then a night club full of people were murdered in the same part of Florida just a day or so later, and then a baby was eaten by an alligator. Americans think they live in the best country in the world but really it is a total joke and they have no perspective. The Purge really isn't all that far from being realistic. A very similar thing is happening right now in the Philippines with bodies all over the streets. When all the idiotic media manipulated idiots vote in Trump, I can imagine a very similar thing happening. And who knows what the future holds.


I would just go to the Bahamas or Canada or something.

Other than that, the most reliable weapon on the planet-a Russian made AK47
