MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > How long before Trump introduced the Pur...

How long before Trump introduced the Purge for real?

As I'm watching the film just now, I can really imagine Trump is signing a presidential order for The Purge right this very minute.
He could also save on building the wall with Mexico by creating a 365 days a year 'Purge zone' - a 20 mile strip along the length of the border.


Prbbly like in 2 weeks.


I can see it. Was watching the third one last night, and thinking, it could work so easily. Because when the rules are stripped away, who are the ones out in the streets mostly? The lower class. Just like the upper class wants it. This is because the lower class is overjoyed to finally have a free-for-all to vent their rage. This isn't a huge deal to the rich. They stay safe at home. The Purge isn't a big deal to them, because they're used to not having to live by the rules, and deciding to get to do whatever they please. Such as inventing the Purge.


dont they have to fortify their homes and quiver in safe rooms?
If I was a disenfranchised "lower class" i'd be breaking into peeples houses and taking the shiny stuff.

How could "the purge" concept possibly work?
what is the idea of it?
