MovieChat Forums > Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015) Discussion > Star Wars is going to kill this franchis...

Star Wars is going to kill this franchise and this will bomb so hard.

I hate to be negative but this is just a simple observation I made.

This progressive worse with each proceeding entry franchise is at it's fourth film and it looks just cheap and awful.

So with it sharing the same exact release date as Star Wars E#7 something a lot of people myself not included are super stoked to see their is no hope for it.

I'm sorry to say to all those who are fans of these films but the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks series is probably going to die with this one so no Part 5.

The only way for the Alvin and the Chipmunks films to live in action form is a probably a reboot in 2030 not a sequel to this.

Star Wars is going to kill Alvin.


I think this movie was dumped on purpose. It reminds me of what Disney did with Winnie the Pooh.


How long did it take you to come up with that obvious "observation"? Hmm, let's think. Most anticipated movie since the day it was announced, or another chipmunks movie? Tough decision.


Well, when the showing for Star Wars is full, they hope any spillover will go see Alvin.


The idea that anyone involved with producing Star Wars sees a Chipmunks movie as competition is pretty funny. That actually is potentially a comedy worth watching . . some low-level Disney exec makes it his mission to take out the director and star of The Road Chip. Hilarity ensues. Don't say you wouldn't watch that.

I don't think anyone actually "likes" the Chipmunks movies; they're just 90-minutes of relative peace for frazzled soccer moms who secretly hate their kids.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


I wonder if Fox really thought their new Chipmunks film would for sure stand a chance against Star freaking Wars. It's actually kinda funny, cause I remember the exact same thing happen in 2009 when The Squeakuel was released the same day as Avatar, though those two films were from Fox, but still.
