MovieChat Forums > Comet (2014) Discussion > How I interpret the movie

How I interpret the movie

Not sure if anyone else saw it this way. I only saw the movie once last night, but this is what I thought of at the end after reviewing some of the forum posts and reading an interview form the director:

There is no alternate reality and everything happened. The only situation that didn't happen is the one where he flat out says is a dream (she's wearing a black dress, I think) which leads into the last scene. I think that scene is made up because of the things that don't make sense (gibberish writing, twin suns, etc.).

What's happening the entire movie is we're watching Dell replay the relationship in his mind \. I don't know how long ago the final breakup happened, but he hasn't gotten over it yet. He's replaying the happy moments first, followed by the sad ones because our memories aren't linear; humans tend to group things as bundles of emotions and we would remember the good times before the bad.
The only info he doesn't know for sure is the made up dream sequence where he fills in the blanks (she takes off her ring, she's still with Jack and loves him, they're going to have a baby). In his mind, Jack gives her the things he didn't otherwise it wouldn't make sense for her to leave him for Jack. When you're in pain and still in love, who doesn't assume the other person traded up? Or if the scene with the black dress did in fact happen, it became fiction once the earthquake hit because at that point it diverged from what actually happened.
Personally I think the earthquake signified to Dell that internally, that whole scene/conversation never happened, like he's trying to tell himself that it's pointless to think about something that didn't happen because that doesn't change the reality: they're not getting back together.

As far as The Lie, I think people are focusing too much on the line about waiting until he's vulnerable. Her lie was one of omission; she was actively talking to Jack and didn't tell him. He felt there was always a Lie that undermines a relationship and in his eyes that was proof positive when she confessed.


Yes, I agree.

I'm not sure that she was ever totally into him. She started dating him because he convinced her that she needed to stop dating attractive jerks. When he almost proposes, she says "you almost had me." Almost....even when he gets her back by stalking her, it doesn't last. She dates him, but the text messages show that she was always open to something else.

He dated up and never really got over it and can't accept reality, hence he creates a separate reality, to make himself believe that the rejection can't be real.
