The Aikens Twit

I wonder what her *beep* endless philosophy has to say about leaving wounded game animals to die on their own. I just watched her kill a ptarmigan sitting on the ground and wound two others as they sat on the ground as well using a 4.10. What a complete idiot. First of all for using a 4.10 to shoot at birds the size of a large chicken, then for shooting fowl sitting on the ground and finally for wounding animals and leaving them to die a horrible prolonged death. Effing moron.


She's miserable to listen to.
In the episode I saw, she said no one should ever leave a wounded animal.
So in that case, she's a hypocrit, which makes her even more rediculous.


Whats the issue with shooting fowl on the ground? I'm not a hunter. I don't even like seeing em shot in the air, but is there an ethical rule or something?


Being country folk in Oregon - we've done our fair share of hunting. You never leave a wounded animal...if you shoot it, it's your responsibility to finish it off. You obviously were hunting for food, why would you just randomly shoot game & let it wander off bleeding to death? Not ethical. As for the birds, there is no game law that requires they be in the air to shoot. That's just stupid. A lot of posted comments come from "city folk" who would make a pet of all animals in the world, and have never had to hunt/fish for survival.


You're a very good hunter- very ethical. I wish all hunters were like you.


I don't mind Sue at all but my instincts tell me that maybe a bear never attacked her. Her story changes slightly each time and her reactions while telling the story seem a bit odd.
I can't say for sure, it's just an intuition.
