MovieChat Forums > Life Below Zero (2013) Discussion > why does Sue have to ask questions she t...

why does Sue have to ask questions she then answers herself?

Do I have to watch the show? No. Am I able to take care of myself out here in the tundra? Damn straight, I can do anything a man can do, I'm one tough bitch. Am I better anyone else? No, but I'm Susie-Q and can swear and whine and complain and get the job done, goddammit.
Do I think the Hailstones are admirable? Yes, their way of life is not hypocritical like most of those idiots in the lower 48s. (Squirrels, rabbits, geese, skunks, ducks and deer are plentiful in urban areas, over-running suburbs even, but people don't eat them, they go hungry. They run over them with their cars, oh my, road kill. Darn it. What did Daniel Boone do here in Ohio?! It's insane! But I digress!)
I'm beginning to fast-forward when Sue comes on. I'm so tired of her questions, someone is obviously asking her, prompting her. If she would just make one declaratory sentence without a prefaced question I would shout with joy! (Well, almost, not quite!) Grr...


Sue thinks she's so damn tough and resilient, she's a joke, always playing it up for the cameras, and those corny lines she says, STFU! She is by far the least interesting person on the show. You can so tell that this show thing has gone to her head.


Sue's awesome. I bet she could best you in an arm wrestling contest.

It's so simple a six year old could figure it out.
Quick! Someone get a six year old!


Do I have to watch the show? No. Am I able to take care of myself out here in the tundra? Damn straight, I can do anything a man can do, I'm one tough bitch. Am I better anyone else? No, but I'm Susie-Q and can swear and whine and complain and get the job done, goddammit.

This made me laugh because it's so true. But hell, if I lived alone up at the arctic circle, I'd be talking to myself too. It's probably a force of habit. I bet she's relieved when they're filming and the camera guy/girl is there with her for company. I wonder where they sleep.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Have you not noticed that she lives alone, so far away from the nearest civilization that it takes several days by land to get to the closest small town? People that live alone tend to talk to themselves or their animals quite a bit because there aren't any other people there to talk to. This is quite normal if you're by yourself most of the time.


George Lassos the Moon
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