MovieChat Forums > Extraterrestrial (2014) Discussion > I found it rather good (My small review)

I found it rather good (My small review)

Trailer gave me goosebumps (the bad kind) that I was looking at a flop. I gave the movie the benefit to try and impress me. It didn't, but it did give me a good movie.

I am always into Alien movies no matter how terrible they are (unless made with Playstation 1 Special Effects). This movie did a good job for what the script was. Had a few good actors they did the best they can.

Movie is no where near perfect, but it still (my opinion) did a good job. The Alien parts were creepy in some ways.

Bias rating is 7/10, mostly it does something unique in my book with an alien story.

Non-bias rating is 5/10, somethings could have been worked on, but still a good movie to sit and watch when you feel like watching something new.


where did you see it; festival?

only earlier today I was wondering how there haven't been any alien abduction type movies lately (that i've noticed). the poster grabbed my attention immediately. even if the movie sucks, it sounds somewhat fun.


look its not as good as signs but its up there man,I swear I saw someone tweet this movie cuz it very good for a 3 mil budget,and it is its just,they had to hotter female man,shes ulgeeeeeeeyyy


they had to hotter female man,shes ulgeeeeeeeyyy

What are you trying to say here, dude? LOL

Into every life a little coffee must spill.


the girl that got killed at the end,was UGLY



Tim, are you new to the internet? No one gives a sh*t about you correcting their improper grammar, all it shows is that you're some elitist prick that has nothing better to do than correct people on the internet. Get a hobby "bruh"


