McPherson Reference

Did anyone else notice the McPherson reference? The gal in the beginning of the movie was "Nancy McPherson" and the entire movie has the loose feeling of the "documented account" of the McPherson abductions....

Family in the country - teens in a wooded cabin
Aliens tormenting/abducting family - Aliens tormenting/abducting teens
Shotguns used in the house to fight said aliens - shotgun used to fight aliens
Flashlight investigating dead alien in driveway - Flashlight investigating dead alien in pool

I haven't finished watching the movie yet... the I believe this was inspired by the McPherson case.... I've debated over the years the authenticity of the genuine McPherson video snipets (not the fake full video made by college students that got passed around as authentic, but the REAL video snipets that are extremely hard to find), but this movie seems to have got it's ideas from that case...

Made this movie extra cool in my opinion!!!
