Discount Jason mewes

Did anyone else get a Jason Mewes vibe from the Seth character. When I first heard his voice over the intercom at the beginning of the film I thought it actually was him!

Favorite line from the film - "Dude! That's a dead *beep* alien!!" Haha


as soon as I heard the voice i thought it might be Mewes.. but casting the generic Mewes was by fay the smarter decision... I have seen jay in quite a few indie horror flicks and recently he looks like he has no teeth... He's looking real creepy these days.. good luck to kevin Smith trying to make that work one more time in Clerks 3.. But your right the character was a direct rip on Jay.


Finally! I have been saying the same thing about Mewes over the past few years. He has teeth, but his mouth looks odd, like he doesn't have teeth. I've noticed it in a few movies, but it really stood out in his guest appearances on Comic Book Men.

We made a land where crap is king, and the good don't last too long.


On the subject of discount actors, I thought that Michael Ironside (Travis) was a discount Jack Nicholson, especially when he made his first appearance.


