Is this movie a joke?

I knew once I saw Michael Ironside's name come up it can't be good but gave it a try. Nope it was bad and funny when it wasn't meant to be. Seriously an anal probe!!!


I think only the *beep* get the anal probe :P I think thats what the director was trying to do there. Can't take it all too seriously. I thought the movie was great.


No, this is a joke -

Why didn't the teddy bear eat his lunch?

Because he was already stuffed!!



Yeah I'm pretty sure the anal probe death was a little joke from the director. Well I hope so anyway! Haha


Seriously, why are you hating on the Ironside?



are you a joke?


Life's a joke.


And then there's an anal probe. of course if your'e over 50 it's the butt cam, then film at 11:00
I like this one. it all starts off as a typical alien ransack the house and shake everything to pieces. and then they come back for her. I didn't really see that as the ending. but like all alien movies it all comes back to anal probes and Roswell.


Yes, because aliens are apparently obsessed with the anus.


Doesn't appreciate Michael Ironside
Doesn't appreciate ridiculous b-movie deaths
Please stop rating and reviewing movies


I felt the same seeing Ironside was in it. He's had some ok roles in his time, but mostly during the bad days of Lionsgate. I liked Brittany Allen, especially her opening scene--nice butt. And the guy that played Kyle was ok. But the others! I was ready for Seth to get his anus probed before they got on the road. What an annoying character! And the blond wasn't much better, except for those stems. Then, after putting up with all of the annoyances, your reward is a very disappointing ending! After the aliens let them live, I was thinking, "why didn't they have the sheriff shoot Seth instead of himself, then unite him with his wife? I'm very glad I didn't pay to see it. I downloaded it in China. Not a keeper.

Under our clothes, we are all naked! Bare female nipples), genitals or buttocks constitute nudity.


Did you bring the movie back to the states on a usb stick or something?


It's on Netflix


I assumed it was a spoof, deliberately made to look tacky while having a dig at the genre using a big hodgepodge of several TV shows and movies from the 70s and 80s. No idea why they used a female lead that looked at least a decade older than her friends, though.
