MovieChat Forums > Extraterrestrial (2014) Discussion > The Ending.... *Spoilers obviously*

The Ending.... *Spoilers obviously*

So at the end with the army coming in and we see the "Man in Black".... was that suppose to be a little nod and wink and suggest he was Cancer Man from The X-Files? He was smoking and certainly looked like a younger version of Cancer Man. If so that's awesome! If not, I'm going to pretend it was! haha


Yes it is. It's mentioned in the trivia sections of this movie.

Kades! [/love]


OH Thanks! I didn't think of looking there! lol. Will read thru it now. 


To be fair, just because it's mentioned in the Trivia section doesn't mean it's undoubtedly true....


To be fair, it was an OBVIOUS homage/tip of the hat/wink/nod to The X-Files Cigarette-Smoking Man. It was a silly, but nice little extra treat for the fans.


well.. there's a new season of x-files coming :)


Yes that was my first thought too, especially as the long camera shot of his back - before the reveal - was obviously meant to signify that this character is significant. To anyone who isn't familiar with the X Files that moment must have just been confusing though. It's almost as though the whole film was made just for this last in-joke.

Another aspect about the ending that baffled me was why, when the two characters wake up on the grass just before the very end, would they just assume they were suddenly back on Earth: why would they not question where they were (they could have been in a simulated Earth environment for all they knew, still on a spaceship or something).

I thought that this film was just about ok but the script was seriously annoying: the actors mainly had to be able to swear and that was about it. Not oneI will be watching again, unless I completely forget in years to come that I've seen it..!


I really hated the ending.
I recently finished playing OUTLAST...
it had (almost) the same very lame ending.
The same btw as with: Tape 407 (2012).

You struggle to stay alive and at the end you'll still be wacked by the f'ing military.

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."
