Best Line Of The Movie!

"Nooo! Don't go!... Come back!"

Anybody who has subjected themselves to this turd of a film, knows exactly which mind numbingly BAD scene I am referring to.. This was one of those scenes where I couldn't decide between laughing audibly or mentally, and ended up laughing mentally thus causing a headache.


Wow. You obviously never been in love.


No amount of love could make me want to subject myself to whatever horrors those aliens could dream up. I mean come on.. others have already mentioned she had good reason to believe he was already dead or dying but lets say for the sake of argument that she knew him to be alive. What could she possibly hope to accomplish? No way she could have known that the aliens would be so disgusted by their PDA as to immediately send them both back to earth. All she could hope to do is end up with both of them captive for the rest of their lives.

Maybe she felt life apart from him would be unbearable? well, again, had it been me.. I'd rather die alone on Earth than face whatever torture the aliens had in store.


Yeah I mean where's the point? As I see it... she saw his (Kyle's) blood all over the floor at the house and one would think – seeing what aliens did to others – that she (should have) considered him dead at that point in time.


Wherever you go, there you are!


What made me laugh wasn't a line, it was the pump-action 'chambering of a round' sound effect after she loads a double barreled shotgun. Hilarious.
