MovieChat Forums > PsychoBreak (2014) Discussion > Anyone run into glitches?

Anyone run into glitches?

Here are a few I ran into. The area where you get the sniper rifle. There are several metal boxes hanging down from a tower. As you run around the lower area, those boxes open up to reveal an enemy shooting at you. After you take them all down, you'll discover one still up there. The thing opens and closes revealing an enemy. But it's glitched. The enemy is seen standing in midair firing at you. Unlike the other enemies where you can snipe them in the chest for a kill, you can head shot them too, this one must be hit directly in the head. This one was a terrible glitch to run into.

Another glitch was in that maze where those two giant guys start following you around. This one is actually helpful but I don't know how I even got it to happen. I went back to where I entered the maze. There is a statue there and for some reason, the giant got stuck behind it. He could have turned and gone around it but for some reason it just got stuck there. From my position, i just fired at him until he was dead.

This glitch was in the dlc Assignment. it was also helpful. There is an enemy called Light or Light monster. It shows up here and there through out the game. At the end of chapter 1, you end up in a room filled with computer servers. When you press the button for the elevator to come down the electricity shuts off and starts to power itself up again. it's here that Light shows up. you simply just need to avoid it by giving it the run around. Running around the servers in this square shaped room. It has a lantern for a head and if it's light hits you, you need to run away or it will quickly kill you. It walks all around the room so you have to run and duck behind the servers. At some point, when the power is around 80%, the smaller servers start to produce electricity that can kill you. Light will still be walking around looking for you. This helpful glitch, if it happens, will have Light go to a corner and just stand there shining it's light on the wall. It will just stand there for the next several minutes as you wait for the elevator to power up. This happened to me at around the point 60% of the power was on. So it helped me out a lot.


i had nothing serious, just once something stuck but i was able to fix it soon.


I had one in chapter 3 I killed the chainsaw guy but I died also I got the trophy to but after the game over screen it loaded back up but all the enemies I had killed respawnd but all the ano I collected before was all gone so I was forced to try and kill the chainsaw guy with the amount of ammo I had just before dieing which wasn't enough so will have to go back and start the chapter over again

I'm playing on a ps3 BTW also its a little clippy on ps3 it dose kinda seam Bethesda like releasing glitchy games I'm also going to assume its the same engine used in fallout 3 lol nuff used

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Had a couple of glitches, where the enemy was walking into walls or stuck. Inexplicably, some of them stop while attacking you and remain frozen for minutes at a time. The boss at the end of level 10 chased after me into one of the end rooms, and then did nothing but block the door while not moving.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."
