This game is SICK

this game is way too hard, seems like you are fighting bosses one right after another. didnt think i was going to make it past the first boss (chainsaw dude), was ready to put an ad on craigs list to pay someone who could beat it. i did manage to beat it after 3 days trying. now iam on chapter 5 and its boss after boss.

wish i never would have bought it, it is fun to finally beat a boss though i just wish they were not as HARD AS THEY ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do us all a favor and stop playing. 


He's right, though. The chainsaw guy boss is hard as *beep* It doesn't help when there's also 1like 10 zombies after you, your health is low, barely any ammo and *beep* controls.


Seriously?. You should, also, stop playing. I wonder what both of you will feel as you progress forward. Bad news, in short.

Let me break it down.

1: I am playing on survival.

2: Why would you mess with him before wiping out other enemies (they are not zombies!)?. Seriously?.

3: I wiped out all enemies, he broke free, I took him to the spike room, DESTROYED HIM THERE!.

4: Took the lovely goo.

5: On my way.

How HARD was that?.


The controls are fine for anyone who has ever played a RE or SH game before. You're supposed to take out all the zombies before the boss. Low health and barely any ammo indicates you probably aren't conserving your resources like you're supposed to. All problems with your gameplay, and not the game.


The chainsaw boss was pretty easy thew hardest thing about it after I'd wiped out all the zombies was figuring out how to get him to come out but I had the crossbow and shotgun so he was easy enough great game so far I've just started Chapter 3.


You probably won't be pleased to hear that chainsaw dude shows up again later on in the game then. I actually found him to be one of the easier bosses. Just run and shoot.


yes, Chainsaw dude is back at the end of chapter 6. :( he seems to be a half step quicker than i am, he is just killing killing and more killing of me. if i shoot him with a exploding cross bow bolt he comes close enough to kill me from the explosion. i will keep trying and trying, if i have to i will pay someone to beat him for me.

iam not giving this game up for anything.


Stop playing.

1: While coming down (opposite side to your partner), push the petrol drum in the 'zone'. If you cant do that, there is already one in the zone.

2: Take the butcher towards the drum and shoot it.

3: Use harpoons on his stomach. If you cant, use shotgun while he is close. If you cant do both of those things, use sniper IF YOU CAN!.

4: Easy meat.


I just got through that today!


after 3 days i FINALLY beat the second Chainsaw dude at the end of chapter 6. i turned the sound off so i wouldnt be distracted by the chainsaw noise , made things a lot calmer so i could concentrate on killing his azz.



Apart from The Last of Us this is my second survival horror game I wasn't really a gamer growing up but I've played Silent Hill once on my brother's PSP and that's it. Naturally, I went with casual mode funnily enough I read the guide controls from the booklet and how it says CASUAL for first timers. Diffucult but gentle. LOL!


You can easily conserve ammo though by using trick methods (kinda like the shoot then hack to death on the ground method from RE4) like shooting down a whole group of enemies with one shotgun shell then lighting them on fire, or shooting their legs then lighting them on fire. That way you only use one shell per group or one handgun round per enemy.

I ended up dying only 68 times my first playthrough. I managed to have a surplus of ammo pretty much up until chapter 10 where I did finally start to hurt for it. But in my opinion chapters 10-12 is the worst stretch of the game. With chapter 13 I got back on my feet with supplies.

I don't know, basically I just don't think it's fair to blame the game for it's difficulty. I only died 68 times and up until chapter 10 always had enough ammo and healing items to deal with sh!t.


You should play Dark Souls 1 or 2, then play this. The Evil Within is not hard, DS is frustration porn.


To those of you who are complaining that this game is too hard....stop, just stop. Seriously if you found this game hard and challenging and are complaining then give up playing video games. What, are you all babies that need everything handed to you? Pathetic. Bosses too hard? WTF? Seriously? They are meant to be hard. You might as well just stop playing because by the time you get to the end of the game, it'll be boss after boss after boss. Oh wait, if you didn't get what they were going for in this game, well.....yeah those were bosses earlier in the game, but they just become like common enemies and a few shotgun blasts and bolts will take them down right away. They're nothing compared to the real bosses. Heck, even the bigger bosses ended up being weak compared to the first ones.
