dice game

what was the dice game they were playing?


my guess is Farkle, but it didn't seem like they got very far


I have no idea what Farkle is, but it seemed strange that he could apparently just keep rolling until he got what he needed. How can you lose?

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I believe you can continue rolling as long as one of the numbers you need comes up.

So when he had two dice left he rolled, one came up as a 5. When he had one dice left he had to get the desired number the first time or he wouldn't be able to roll again.


it is called "threes." the object is to roll the lowest score. all numbers are face value except three, which counts as zero. on your turn you roll 5 dice and you pull the lowest scoring die or dice aside and reroll the remaining dice hoping for lower numbers. you have to keep at least one die fronm each roll.


I thought it was Yahtzee
