Men: it's a trap!

This is just a warning to any men who might be debating whether or not to watch this with your girlfriend. Run the other way!! I got suckered into it, and I want to tear my hair out (I'm watching it right now, just over an hour into the movie). It's like watching someone's really boring home movie, and it is definitely made for women, or men who are really, really in touch with their feminine side. The movie itself is well made for what it is, but it is not for most guys. If I can save even one man, I've done my job. Run dudes, run!


I laughed when I read this. I'm a guy, and I understand your warning, but I didn't see it as a "chick flick" to be avoided by men.

I think anyone who has or had young children can relate to this story. That's what the movie is primarily about - how having a child changes everything about your relationship with your significant other and your career/life goals. (The kid in this movie is awesome, by the way.)

So perhaps your warning is better suited to anyone who isn't interested in kids or how that changes your life. That includes more than just men.

Overall, as even you conceded, the movie is fairly well made and achieves what the director set out to achieve. (My only gripe was Anna Kendrick's sometimes annoying dialog and habit of not finishing any sentences, but that is a realistic speech pattern I guess.


Yes, very well said. There's someone in another thread who complains about the kid and I was like "what movie were you watching?!?" But I'm a dad (four times over), and maybe I would have felt the same before having kids.

My top 250:


I'm a guy (and a dad) and I really liked it. I may be in touch with my feminine side, but I'm also a straight married guy who is psyched for this weekend's NFC and AFC title games in the NFL, so it might be just you.

My top 250:


Yeah, you're right. It's not for big macho guy who love The Fast and The Furious movies


I am a random unmarried young man who has never taken care of a child and I loved it. Oh and I love the Fast & Furious movies.


Nobody trapped me into watching this. I watched it on my own. I'm a man. Moderately in touch with my feminine side. The movie wasn't super impressive but it was OK. I knew what to expect.
