Was it just me?

In a couple of first installment scenes (all that's been show here so far), when "Elizabeth" stands the right way, and her dress is blown close around her, she looks somewhat pregnant. I notice they don't mention it, and I haven't read the book, so I'm wondering if it was just a trick of the lighting.


I also thought that her tummy looked awfully saggy or something. I certainly was not flat.


I noticed it, too, especially in the early scenes when she was outside walking. I guessed that she might be pregnant or maybe they wanted us to think she was. I looked it up and according to the book she has already had two children. In the miniseries she tells Darcy she is expecting her second child.


It's just the actress' terrible posture. This series came out last year in other countries, and much was said about her hunched shoulders. When you hunch your shoulders you tend to stick your tummy out.


I think it really goes back to how miscast she is. In Pride and Prejudice Lydia is the tallest of the Bennet sisters and Georgiana at 16 is taller than Miss Bennet (Elizabeth). Darcy is supposed to be very tall (over 6 foot)

In the show Lizzy towers over Lydia and is almost as tall as Darcy. Honestly I would have cast Jenna Coleman as Lizzy. Lizzy should be about 26 or 27 in this adaptation, she has been living at Pemberley with one of the richest men in England she should look amazing. Instead she looks bedraggled, old and tired.

"A yearly income of 10,000 pounds in the 1800's would be equal in 2009 average yearly earnings value to £9.27 million pounds a year, or $14 million USD." http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_was_10000_pounds_in_1800_worth_today
