I Met P.D. James

My family took a cruise from New York City to Southampton on the Queen Mary 2. P.D. James was the featured guest. She gave several fascinating lectures and was available on a couple of occasions in the ship's bookstore (I wish Royal Caribbean had bookstores on their ships!) to autograph books. I bought a couple and had them autographed by her. She is a very charming lady. That was the highlight of the cruise for me. Although most of her detective novels feature Adam Dalgleish, she has written several about a female detective named Cordelia Grey.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Very cool.

I saw her years ago when she was on a book tour. The venue was packed, standing room only, people jostling each other just to get inside the room. I think the Fire Marshall finally gave up and hoped for the best. P.D. seemed genuinely touched that so many people turned out to see her. She was very down to earth and endearing.

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.
