The men look too much alike

Darcy, Fitzwilliam and Wickham look too much alike. There are times at a distance, like when Elizabeth sees someone burn a letter in the firep lace, I don't know who it is until later on.

They casting directors should think about this, and not have them so similar.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


Thank heavens someone else feels that way--I thought I was the only one. I dont have a problem with Wickham, but Darcy and Fitzwilliam look pretty much interchangeable to me. The scene at the fireplace had me completely confused.


Other than hair color, I'm not seeing any similarities. However, if you're seeing a resemblance between Darcy and Fitzwilliam....well, they are first cousins.


I don't see it either.


Yes, i know they're cousins, but that doesn't mean that the two men have to look interchangeable in a film. Jane and Lizzie and Lydia are sisters, and they don't all look alike.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


Hi Parisel--I was the one who agreed with you earlier in this thread as I thought Darcy and Fitzwilliam looked very similar and had a hard time knowing which was which. I did have an easier time of it in part two--mainly because Fitzwilliam appeared several times in his red uniform, which was a dead giveaway as to who he was. Maybe it's just that I'm unfamiliar with both actors, and they were both tall, dark haired, good looking, and somewhat patrician. And it could be that as I didnt care for this at all as a continuation of Pride and Prejudice, maybe I just didnt pay close enough attention to them.


Same here -- I didn't see any similarities at all, except for the fact that they are all dark-haired. But that's it.


Yes, the uniform helped a lot. I don't mean that their features have a familial sameness, just that they were such very similar types, in manner as well as looks, and as lhardman said, unknown actors to me. There were several scenes in the first episode where it was hard to tell who was who, especially from any kind of distance.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


I watch Matthew Rhys on The Americans, so I didn't have any trouble telling Darcy apart from Fitzwilliam, but I do think that they looked and acted similarly on purpose.

It seemed to me that the show was setting up Fitzwilliam as a Darcy-type and young Alveston as a Bingley-type to play with the P&P romantic icons. Would eager young Alveston turn his back on Georgiana at the hint of family scandal? Would terse, mysterious Fitzwilliam win Georgiana's heart through nobility and depth of feeling? Or would Alveston turn out to be the noble, constant suitor and Fitzwilliam a cad? I found the playing against P&P type to be interesting.

As far as mixing any of these actors up with Matthew Goode, I would have to have my eyes checked. He is so ridiculously handsome as to be in a class of his own!


Tom Ward was too good for the part of Fitzwilliam. I was hoping Georgiana. - despite the age difference. - would choose Fitzwilliam. I hated what they did to his character

No one could've mixed up Matthew Goode. That smile, those eyes, that voice. He stole the show. He would've made a better Darcy


Goode *might* have been a good actor for Darcy, but nevertheless, I really enjoyed Matthew Rhys as Darcy.

Like LABete100, I watch him in the Americans, and it would be almost true to say that I watch the Americans because of him!


Yeah, I had a hard time telling them apart too.

Intelligence and purity.


I agree about Col. Fitzwilliam and Darcy looking much alike. It didn't help also that Darcy was called Fitzwilliam by Elisabeth in the beginning of the first episode, and then Col. Fitzwilliam was introduced!! I looked at their hair to tell them apart until I became more familiar with them. Darcy had curly hair and the Col's ones were straighter.


If the Colonel and Darcy were real people it would actually be understandable if they looked alike. They are first cousins.

As for the names, Darcy's first name is Fitzwilliam. His first name was his mother's maiden name (she was born Lady Anne Fitzwilliam). His mother and Colonel Fitzwilliam's father (along with Lady Catherine de Bourgh) were siblings.
