
Umm, are people rating this on the whole game or just certain modes? Because it definitely deserves at least an 8.


I rated it with 8, it was engaging, entertaining and had a very well written story line. Not as good as the MW series, but compared to Battlefield 4 ...

(not a BF hater, loved every single one of them - especially 3).


You can't go on ratings on here because there are people that are "waging war" with Call of Duty, be it a Battlefield fanboy or otherwise, so they'll give it a one star rating

We go through episodes too(two), like Attack of the Clones


Yeah I'd give it a solid 8, at least. Extinction mode is wicked, way better than survival in mw3 and zombies got boring a long time ago for me. Just finished the campaign and IMO it's much better than bo2. Multiplayer is... Well, COD multiplayer, lots to love and lots to hate.
