Worst Show Ever

This is without a doubt the worst show i have ever seen. The humor is gross and 1 dimensional, the animation is hideous, the characters are lazy and the premise has been done beyond belief. I deeply apologize Gary Doodles(Breadwinners), Eric Robles( Fanboy and Chum Chum)and Tyler(Loiter Squad)for everything i've said about you. None of you made the worst show i have ever seen. I had more fun watching Children's Hospital, I had more fun watching freaking Squibillies( Saying a lot considering that show is garbage). Not only do creators think children are idiots who will laugh at anything but that adults are too. They think that in order to appeal to adults you need as much sex, gore, and shock humor as possible. The main character himself Mr Pickles is just a side character and actually has less depth than anyone in the show. Just the promos and teasers are enough to appall any sane human being. I am in genuine question of how this show is such a hit. How can anyone enjoy this? The visuals are horrendous and the jokes arent even comedic the only purpose is to shock and confuse you and not even in a way that's enjoyable. As for a plot, what plot? The closest thing to an idea is the satanic dog that's always slaughtering someone, thats it. It happens every single episode. Mr Pickles is an unfunny, unoriginal, unimaginative attempt at "entertainment". If you want an adult comedy, stick with Futurama or South Park. This show is proof that the "Its for kids" argument as an excuse for poor writing is horse crock.


Lol South Park????


The difference between Mr. Pickles and South Park is that South Park has gross humor that actually has a point, respite and a punchline -- and is actually funny, in that it spoofs real-life subjects (that being its point) and isn't senseless, regardless of how ridiculous it seems.

I, personally, have never found myself cringe at the visuals within Mr. Pickles more than I did at the thoughtless presentation of the vulgarity. Mr. Pickles tries way too hard with shock humor and ends up being neither shocking nor humorous. With hardly ever any punchline or respite in sight, Mr. Pickles seems like its gory for the sake of being gory, and this seems to be enough to attract people who think edginess is cool -- but without a punchline or respite, the shock humor ends up becoming predictable, falling flat on its face, being more failed shock and loses the right to be considered a joke at all instead of a joke that failed.

South Park has an overall better sense of presentation, pacing, story, sense, having an overall point with humor that's still somewhat gross and shocking, but actually funny to someone with that sense of humor, ends up being an actual joke, having, again, an actual point(being to spoof particular things in OUR world, most often) and relevance to the episode's context.


i doubt very much that anyone in your movie based perspective of the "hollywood film business" likes this show. LOL.

also, cartoon network and adult swim are based in Georgia not California.



this show rules. just like squidbillies rules. And the fact that you can claim that Mr. Pickles isn't original or imaginative and yet there isn't a single other show out there like it; except perhaps 'Superjail' or 'King Star King' and that's only visual wise(kinda) is proof it is.

Also, why did YOU watch it? lol i mean, this is a pretty niche/small/gotta look for it to find kinda cartoon style... and if YOU happened to see it when YOU happened to click on it then that is YOUR fault YOU subscribed to that channel YOU big dingus YOU...

if something looks weird i imdb it/find a review of it before wasting possibly hours of my time on watching and proceed THEN to write a poop criticism for something i didn't like.

p.s. i take you never watched any of the earlier South Park seasons.. all very funny but pointless swearing, sh!t and dick jokes. And some crude hilarious nasty animation too.... so uhmmmmmmm.. pick and choooose wisely


What? You've never seen a show with an antagonist that claims to be innocent with character that knows their true nature but no one believes them? I don't know if you have but I've seen plenty of shows with Satanic Symbolism, that's not original at all. Please name one thing that makes this show stand out from others other than the fact that its epileptic and nightmare enducing. Its just gross and shocking. I don't know why people seem to be attracted to this. I watched this show because It got tons of positive feedback and just because it looks stupid did'nt mean it could'nt be funny. It was worse than I could have imagined. I don't know if i hate a show until I've seen it. Who does? I'm open minded enough to give something a try even if i don't like the idea behind it. If you liked the show, alright. I'm not questioning people who like this show unlike you. I'm giving my reasons as to why I thought it was horrid. Yes, I agree south Park is vulgar but i can excuse this here and there with its commentary on society and comedy. Mr, Pickles dose'nt have these. I will take your advice and be more considerate of myself in the future with AS. Thank You.


..I'm not questioning people who like this show unlike you.

That didn't make sense.

I like this show, i was questioning you; who i thought DIDN'T like the show.

but whatever man. Just from three fully-watched episodes i've seen a bunch of things that were quite original in their execution. Only thing is it's too quick sometimes; i will admit that much.

The what looks like to me a big time homage/tribute to Jimbo Phillips 1980's California counter-culture artwork style. Might recognize them from the fad Pogs.. http://www.jimbophillips.com/

Making fun of the mainstream and Hollywood at every turn. Which is sorely needed..


Sorry. If you misunderstood, I was reffering to the fact that i wasnt questioning the people who did like vs you who was questioning someone who didnt.That was my fault, I should have worded that better. But I guess it dosent really matter at this point. Anyways if you like it that's excellent. I'm glad that people were able to find something good within this show which I clearly was not able to do so. Plus, your are very correct Hollywood needs to get there act together. Especially after the Kardashian Coven took over the studios.


mucho agreeeedo


Yes you are questioning people who didn't like this show. You said you can't understand how any sane person could enjoy it.


I like things you think are garbage. Sorry I'm such a moron.


Oh Mr pickles !!!!


the animation is hideous

The backgrounds are quaint, but, yeah, the motion of the characters is clunky.

That being said, the production noticeably improved in season 2. They obviously got a bigger pile of money to throw around.


I am totally sold! Thanks for the recommendation!
.......But what is horse crock?



this show is the best, i love a show about a killer dog possessed by satan, bring on season 3. hail satan
