A dumb movie!

It started out good and then got dumber and dumber. Did not like the ending at all. So many of these movies do that.


I hated the ending. It's a shame, started out above average, but really went downhill with too much confusion, and I didn't understand why they wanted the baby or the little girl. They got some of the gore scenes right, but as a whole, this movie was a fail.


There was no real plot; the whole thing was completely pointless. The characters were paper thin, and nothing is developed to the point that anyone could give half a care about any of this.


Agreed. I think they forgot to include 1/3 of the movie. The part that explains wtf was going on. This film was pointless.


The brother was so annoying.


The brother is seriously the worst. Why are you championing a ghost hunting mission when your sister is having a get together for her birthing...? More importantly, why did everyone else follow him, and why did his sister let that happen, even driving them there? She is pregnant and shouldn't be doing unnecessary driving, and should have said, "NO, WTF THIS IS NOT ABOUT GHOSTS, THIS GATHERING IS FOR MY BIRTH!" That shoddy point of attack just set the stage to get worse from there...also the whole schizophrenic friend storyline went absolutely nowhere so that was utterly pointless.


What gets me is the strong setup with characters with short backstories and history between them at the start of the movie. I thought the movie was going to take place in the house and this *beep* was going to come up later in the movie, but then they all go gallivanting off to some prison or some *beep* and the movie goes to complete *beep* and then it ends with no actual explanations for what the *beep* is going on. Terrible. As bad as House of the Dead.


Just watched this on Netflix and am left wondering what the hell happened. They seemed to spend a good chunk of the movie building everything up (At the beginning I started to suspect it was the best friend who 'grew up with people no one could see' was gonna be the killer or something) but then the movie ends with everything being brushed off the table onto the floor and we get no answers for why any of it was going on.


I just watched it on Netflix too!!!


I watched it late last night on Netflix too, along with "Would You Rather". :)
