Hairspray and Lice!

In the Halloween episode Nicole tells Emily she needs to put hairspray on Aimzy so she doesn't get lice at school. Oh, Nicole, you've revealed so much about yourself. Why would you be worried about lice?

I know we've been told in the media repeatedly that anyone can get lice, but we always heard about lice in the public schools. No one ever got lice in our private schools nor camps. Sorry, Nicole, in 12 years of school plus kindergarten we never once had an outbreak of lice. They would have sent a memo home to our parents. So, how does Nicole know so much about lice? And why is she so concerned about Aimzy getting lice? Does Emily send her precious daughter to a <gasp and grasp pearls> public school!

[Please note the sarcasm with which this post is intended. I am not mocking poor people at all. I'm mocking these particular women. If these women are going to go on television and act like snobs then they should expect to be called out when their "country comes to town" starts to show. They certainly don't mind doing it to Meredith, now do they?]

The perfect human being is uninteresting. -Joseph Campbell

{Ignore phone posting errors.}
