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Scream Magazine review

Tabloid critics would spit outrage and hysteria. Read my review for Scream Magazine to find out why.



"West’s tabloid-led moral hysteria" huh.

Didn't realize that those of us in the west get our sense of morality out of the tabloids. I'm guessing any set of morals derived from said tabloids would be strange indeed. Also deriving hypocrisy regarding societal stances on children and sexual situations by using an example that requires a 32 year old in a 12 year olds body to equate said hypocrisy is a poor argument, since there are no 32 year old 12 year olds.

You think tabloids lead moral hysteria really? They can't even convince me Elvis is still alive.

Glad I don't have children so I don't need to figure out who you are in order to make certain there is no chance they will run into you.

Politics is deliberately making things better for some by deliberately making them worse for others.


Blimey, you seem personally insulted by my little review. If this is the case, I do apologise, but let me address your points.

While it is an unfortunate fact that far too many people do indeed derive their misguided sense of morals from what they are exposed to daily in right-wing tabloids, my point was, as you even quoted, that moral HYSTERIAs are whipped up by such papers.

The right-wing press has an extraordinary and dangerous sway on public opinion; just look at the terrible consequences of its influence on Western politics in 2016.

As for your point about the 32-year-old vampire in a 12-year-old's body, it is, I thought, quite clear what the character is representing. Perhaps you would benefit from taking a film studies class sometime. But don't take my word for it; I would refer you to my interview with director Ivan Noel in issue 32 of Scream magazine, in which he told me that that it was absolutely his intention to challenge the moral panic surrounding the protection of children, espoused by those same hypocritical tabloids that constantly sexualise youth. He also explicitly states that he was indeed using the 'child' vampires to represent this point.

Finally, your closing point about politics is one on which I would find it hard to disagree.


Unfortunately, tabloids have a track record of both inciting public hysteria and fuelling independent occurrences. A perfect example would be the 1980s 'Video Nasties' panic which used outright lies - that a child's murder was inspired by a movie which hadn't even been released at that point - to justify a massive crackdown on the UK film industry.
