MovieChat Forums > The Rise of the Krays (2016) Discussion > Good grief Brits, this has been done bef...

Good grief Brits, this has been done before!

In 1991 with the Kemp brothers. And that wasn't that long ago. At least they had some semblance of looking like the real thing. Some of the psychological aspects explored and all.

These two here look like a couple of prissy male models ready for the cover of Vanity Fair. It's sad Brit film is in such a state of decline when all you have to copy is American-like dung like this.


Whilst I agree this is terrible, this isn't exactly an "overdone" film idea - look at any of the DC/Marvel releases of late for that!

The film industry in general is in a sorry state. Movies now are made and remade because a previous version attracted audiences... all originality seems to have been lost :(


DC/Marvel releases are a franchise. And yes, they are grossly overdone, but that's what today's dumbed-down audiences wants.

But this was made for the sake of being made. Take Brit gangsters and make them look as 'American' as you can. Add in some more blood and sadism making the story secondary. Like that stupid "The Sweeney" remake a couple of years ago.

I guess they all have run out of stories to tell....


Unfortunately, you cannot be more accurate, uncle_fester1


Thought Simon Cotton was great as Ronnie but there was a lot of miscasting.The bloke who played Reggie was the double of Comedian Jack Dee.
Still think it was better than 1991 effort..looking forward to part 2 The Fall of The Krays.
From the trailer the Tom Hardy one ain't no Oscar winner either.


"...a couple of prissy male models ready for the cover of Vanity Fair..."

I could NOT have said it better; these two twats couldn't scare a fly off of a toilet seat..they were ridiculous. and yes, the 91 version is a fine film, which did not need a remake. "Legend" on the other hand is a good film, with a brilliant double role performance from Tom Hardy.

have a drink twat-
Helmut Berger, "Mad Dog Killer"
