MovieChat Forums > JFK: The Smoking Gun (2013) Discussion > Possible, and a very interesting take.

Possible, and a very interesting take.

This story is possible. JFK would hardly be the first American to die from friendly fire. But, it would have been a really horrible one in a million chance that the Secret Service would accidentally shoot the president directly in the head. But it is possible. I know in my hometown these two kids were just looking at a gun. As the one boys sister was walking down the stairs the gun went off and shot her right in the head and killed her. One bullet, one accident. It happens. thousands of times a year. Heck I was watching a show the other day and a guys dog accidentally stepped on his gun and shot him. Crazier things have happened. And it would make sense of why so much evidence was lost or hidden and why the Secret Service was interfering so much during the autopsy. The very fact that they lost Kennedy's brain will never sit right with me. How could they lose his brain ? More likely they were trying to keep it from being investigated more closely and used as evidence. If the brain had bullet fragments that did not match the ones in Oswald's rifle then the game would have been up. But the president being killed by friendly fire in a tense panic situation is very possible. Is it probable ? Not so sure about that.


Theres much evidence which points to it being on purpose including the resolutions/bills jfk was working on at the time, the fact that dallas secret service was admitedly extremely lacidasical that day. Also the bills that lyndon johnson passed shortly after jfks death. my grandfather was a state cop for 30+ years and worked in the secret service when jfk visited the state of connecitcut and toured. He has told me many thing about the experience but i striaght up asked him how vigilant they were in knowing his route and being on alert for everything at every moment for his safety. And he said absolutely the secret service in connecitcut planned it out and didnt fool around. This was a week before jfk went to dallas and was shot.


You'd think someone would have seen/heard a secret service gun go off in the car behind. Everything points to a shot from front right more likely grassy knoll or the drain


This theory does seem plausible but there are definitely doubts, but there is one thing I know for sure and that is that Oswald did not fire the 3rd and fatal shot. For starters, why would he use full metal jackets for the first 2 shots than use the most deadly bullet for the 3rd one? You would obviously put your most deadly one first.

Also his second shot was more than likely going to be a fatal shot anyway, the odds of him landing a better shot than that were slim to none. So after firing two shots already, and the 2nd one looking like it would be fatal, why even chance firing a 3rd? You would think right after connecting with the 2nd he would get out of dodge. Why even risk firing another one when all eyes could be on you? It doesn't make any sense.


Agree not one witness saw a shot from the following car. Absolutely preposterous
