Good or bad?

Is this even good? I have seen it on Facebook half the time I was face palming. Cheesy, bad pick up lines and more.

Oke oke its his first movie or story or what ever you call it. So iam not that harsh on him. I can not do what he have done. So iam not a hater but, I don't know, I try to watch it after some couple of min I turn it off and i try again. And I face palm again and think that's was so cheesy/wrong. Is it just bad or its just me.

Please no fanboy raging kids here thanks.


I didnt have high expectations but I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed Riley Rewind

so I say good

Jordan > Kobe


Very good. Nice ending


It's awful, just awful. And if i had to give one example that proves that people are dishonest by nature, i would definitely choose the ratings and reviews for this little film, cause it proves how illogical people can become when defending their little beliefs and their idols.


First of all I haven't seen it therefore I am being completely unbiased here, but what people are saying are their OPINION. Just because someone's opinion varies from your own does not mean they are 'dishonest'. They CAN'T be. They are just what people think or feel about something. You can't control what other people think or feel. An opinion doesn't HAVE to make sense to anyone else, just to whom it belongs. So don't expect other's opinions to make sense to you.


It was my 3592th feature film according to IMDb and I watched it bc I've seen all of =3 and gave it 4/10

I bet this is the most overrated English film on IMDb atm

icheckmovies: IMDb vote history-compatible movielist host


It IS CHEESY. The story is just a bad joke ripoff of The Butterfly Effect, the acting is bad, the directing is bad... this is just garbage.

Now, considering this was a $75K independent movie, it's actually ok but this is IMDB, you can't just say this was a 9-10 movie just cause they managed to pull it off with very little money. It's like saying, and I hear this a lot, wow look at her, she is so hot FOR HER AGE. I can admit that someone who's in her 50s looks A LOT BETTER than everyone else at that age, but that sure as hell doesn't make her HOT. Same here, kudos to Ray for the accomplishment but it sure as hell isn't it making this a masterpiece like everyone is just raving about. I don't mind the amateurish side, that's not why it sucks, but Jesus this turned out to be everything the OP said: face palm worthy material. It could have been a very good mini-series/movie if Ray could have come up with an ORIGINAL script, cause the bad acting could have been excusable considering the budget.

I gave it a 4 - and that's cause I like =3.

LE: now that I watch it close to the end, I realize that the nerd guy who took Riley to prom, is actually not that bad of an actor, in fact he's the best actor BY far and this says A LOT :))



