
This was a pretty Damn unique stand up routine with a very heartwarming and interesting story arc behind it.

While it wasn't that funny, it's charm and how entertaining it was made up for the lack of laughs


Eh. I thought it was sappy and disingenuous. I usually really enjoy his stand up but I think this missed the mark :\


I thought it was sappy and disingenuous.

not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

You did think he was not candid, sincere or did you think he was pretending to know less about his own life?

As for the special itself it was more of a dramatic one man show than a typical stand up special. I would not go as far as calling it sappy but I can see where you can get that from. for me it brought back my own embarrassment at things I did when I was young and so I was not bale to pick up some of the jokes.
