
This movie left me wanting more.

He did all that to see his dad again and we get only like a 2 minute scene with them together before the dad killing himself ?! TF






It reminded me of Interstellar a bit, where the whole movie is about MM getting back to his daughter and then having a conversation with her for literally 30 secs before taking off again lol

That said, I think the point is that Brad Pitt's character got closure in the end and realized he should be focusing on the things / people he has (esp. his missus) in his life instead of obsessing over the ones he doesn't, which is the mistake he sees his father has made.


It was a very odd movie. I'm all for slow-paced and ponderous stretches of silence and lingering close-ups with little to no dialogue (love Terrence Malick films), but this was a very flawed movie imo.

Director James Gray also wrote the script, and I think that is the weakness there. Should have been given to someone else. Long stretches of silence can be powerful with minimal dialogue. A bit of poetry and truth can hit us the right way (even Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name says very little and yet says a lot!).

Problem with this film is that it really just amounts of Brad Pitt being sad in space (but still not sketched out as a full bodied character himself). So we see a rather generic stranger being sad and learning to connect more with his wife...but having to go to Neptune to do it (as if all the wisdom and psychotherapy and books on Earth couldn't have done that).

Also throw in the many improbable scenarios where Brad knows how to operate everything perfectly. He knows the passwords and security measures and nuclear arming procedures despite not even being part of the team. Is this one of those mythic "Gary Sues" I've read about?


For a good space film, watch The Martian.


That movie sucked balls. Watch Moon or Solaris (original version) or 2001.


At least it had space pirates on the moon!


Yes. It seemed like it was made by someone who was trying to show that, even with the most ridiculous, boring, pointless plot and story, people will still go to see a Brad Pitt movie.


And Space apes


