Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba

While I thought that overall the acting in this film was very good, I did not like Carey Mulligan in the part of Bathsheba. IMO, there was something missing in her portrayal of this character. Like many of Hardy's heroines, Bathsheba is supposed to be alluring to the opposite sex, personifying the temptation of Eve bringing men to disastrous ends. Carey as Bathsheba is smart, sassy, overconfident to the point of folly, but not alluring or sensuous as this character should be. I just didn't find her that appealing.


Bathsheba is supposed to be alluring to the opposite sex, personifying the temptation of Eve bringing men to disastrous ends.

Even Oak? Hmm...😕


Um, it's from the Bible. The story of King David and Bathsheba, where Bathsheba's beauty was such that King David first committed adultery with her, then killed her husband so that he can possess her. Thomas Hardy's books very often were based on religious themes, and Bathsheba seems to be a favorite (eg: Tess). As for Oak, he stands for the idea of redemption. Sorry for such a heavy discussion but the book and this movie are not meant to be a light hearted rom-com. Bathsheba is supposed to be fatally attractive to men, and that's where I had a problem with Carey Mulligan's (and perhaps the director's) portrayal of her. The sexual aspect was missing.


Of course it isn't a light-hearted rom-com, I never said it was. I understand Oak as the idea of redemption, and in my original comment I was just trying to point out that no 'disastrous end' came to him. As for Mulligan's character's charm, some do see sassiness and spiritedness in women alluring; perhaps they were just portraying those as Bathsheba's captivating qualities. I guess it's just a matter of personal opinion and certainly I respect yours.



I agree with you. They also made her too likeable. Bathsheba was a lot more selfish and self-centred in the book. I think they wanted people to be able to relate to her more, but I thought her performance very blah.



She simply doesn't look the part. To be blunt, Bathsheba is supposed to be stunningly beautiful, and Mulligan is not. Same with Mia Wasikowska as Madame Bovary. Bad casting. Keira Knightly as Anna Karenina is REALLY bad casting - Anna is supposed to be a full-figured woman, described as "almost fat." Same with Thandie Newton in Half of a Yellow Sun. I like Thandie Newton, but she doesn't look like Olanna - also described as full-figured.

When I read "Far from the maddening crowd," I pictured Bathsheba as a young Madeleine Stowe - kind of how Stowe looked in Last of the Mohicans - beautiful but also more than a bit badass.


I agree with your comment, especially about Keira Knightly (WHAT were they thinking?!). Unfortunately, assets like sensuality,allure, and plain lusciousness are missing in most of today's female actors. They're pretty and fit, but with most of their curves created surgically, not really sexy IMO. I keep reading articles that most those we considered beautiful bombshells in years past (Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, even Raquel Welch) would never get film work these days because of body fat.


Well I thought Carrie was beautiful! To me she fit the part greatly! I thought she had great chemistry with Matthias! I think it's just a matter of taste!



Better than Christie but way too likeable for my taste.Still a fine performance.


I was glad to see an update of this film was being done but my first reaction was that Carey Mulligan would be all wrong as Bathsheba. I hoped I'd be wrong. I will say I really enjoyed the film but Carey Mulligan was miscast. She looks too girlish and didn't convey at all the willful independence of the character.


I think context might be important- if I spent all my time with sheep I might consider her beautiful and sensuous.




I thought she was miscast, too. Mulligan has delicate quality that doesn't fit a farm life.

The only actress that comes to mind is Rebecca Hall, The Town. Hall is a lot more sturdy looking and gives off really headstrong vibes in a way that's not likable.


That could have been a good choice. She has an earthiness about her that is appropriate for Bathsheba.


interesting documented exchange! and I agree, bring back the fat ladies! (kidding :))

I actually found Carey ok, but I know well how you may get different expectations when you read the book first.
