A shotgun with no recoil

I haven't seen the full movie yet, only the previews in the theater a month ago. There is one scene where Bathsheba shoots a shotgun. When she fires, there is absolutely no recoil. Even with smaller caliber shotguns and any rifle bigger than a 22, there is a noticeable recoil.

I recently watched Wild Things and noticed the same thing when Denise Richard's character is shooting trap. She fires twice in succession with a 12 gage and no recoil.

Checkout videos on youtube and you will see what I mean. The special effects people can do better. And if they can, the actors should be able to create the effect.


There is no shotgun recoil because they're not actually shooting the weapon, noob.

Do you want them to bleed real blood and scream like they're actually dying too?


Blood is faked in a real manner. They used to use chocolate in B&W movies and had to switch when filming in color. Sound is more real after Saving Private Ryan did great sound effects onthe beach. It would be very easy to build a fake gun with realistic recoil effects.


By that logic there is no 'bang' either, it's a post process. Either you are stupid or a troll because it was clear what the OP meant, she should have acted out a recoil instead of acting like she can shoulder that thing better than Dwayne Johnson.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


I never see firearms recoil in movies. The absence of recoil is most noticeable when handguns are fired. The actors' hands are as steady as they would be if they were firing, well...blanks.

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty!


I never see firearms recoil in movies. The absence of recoil is most noticeable when handguns are fired.

Try this >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lb8E3qQVKY

Around 1:28 into the video


Or this >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbkWniWSpR0

Around 1:22 into the video


I like realism too though I'll just point out that if there is enough of a charge to create a recoil, then there will be an equal force coming out the front which is a real safety issue even without any projectile because you could easily blind or deafen someone on the set.
