Bonnie's elimination

I will admit that it was sad to see Bonnie go since she sure was rather strong player.


she wasn't a 'strong player' at all - she was the most pleasure to watch and have around. the reality show element was overplayed by the producers...bonnie was one of the few saving graces, along with ansgar and the queen.


agreed. she was great to watch, the most invested player and definitely had the most heart. unfortunately she didn't have many strengths as we saw over and over again how she failed the challenges, and at the end of the day that's the game


Yea, my wife and I called her a good support healer. We knew she wasn't going to make it to the end, but she has the biggest heart and she was putting all of it into everything.


I was sad too. But I kind of had a feeling that this was coming.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


I was actually happy to see her go. She was a nice addition to the show but there were stronger competitors out there


I really don't feel Lina was any stronger than Bonnie, and she is definitely not the strongest female competitor out of the seven from the beginning. She isn't great under pressure and Bonnie had her mentally beat pretty much every step of the way. That being said, I think there were other females more deserving to make it to the end, but they really like Lina for some reason.


Lina seemed to emerge strong from the shadows one episode and start to shine. Good for her and all, but I did hope that some of the other women were going to outlast her based on skill, heart, fire.

But I was also irritated at Patrick for playing down the fact that Lina nearly beat him, and seemed to stretch the facts when relating the elimination competition to Shondo and Andrew later.

Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.



I actually was getting tired of Bonnie always fumbling around and then being rescued and then going "Go Teamwork!". Then voting out other players without a second thought. Loved her songs and her enthusiasm, but she was starting to grate on me a bit towards the end. It was smart of them to break up the alliance of her, Patrick, and Adria, as they were the main reason why Christian was staying around well past his expiration date.



Regarding the flags, there were three people on that team--the one who called for a pentagon, the one who thought she knew what a pentagon was but selected an octagon, and Lina, who wasn't sure but ASKED if that was a pentagon, whereupon the second girl reaffirmed that yes, it was a pentagon.

Lina's mistake was that she didn't ask for a change of positions, like the men did. But that was a mistake the three of them shared. Note that it was Patrick, not the team captain, who suggested that the men change positions.


Ah, I didn't know it was Patrick that suggested a change of positions. That was wise.

I do think the responsibility fell on all of them, as a team, to figure out how to best check their work. If only someone had thought of it.

I also wish a time elapsed clock would be shown for fun.

Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.


Patrick's suggestion probably won the competition for them. That is why he won the pin/medal (for intelligence).


no. as with PREVIOUS mistakes made by LINA, her instinct (they show her on camera asking isn't that an octagon) was right but she didn't FOLLOW her instinct. you can say whatever you like to defend the girl you have a crush on, but the fact is, as team leader, she should have ordered the change up the moment ansgar said that they'd gotten it wrong.

lina almost NEVER accepts responsibility when she is at fault, though she did admit it when she FORGOT the second bag. you can defend her all you like but if you fail to take responsibility for YOUR actions as LINA DOES, you will find YOURSELF out of a job! and if you ever have kids to support that you could be making homeless, you might at that point decide to grow up and be accountable for your actions. everyone makes is the person who acknowledges them who is worthy of another chance.



Although we can never know, in my opinion, only about 10 people out of a hundred would have suggested changing positions. This is for various reasons. First, they risk offending the person who is describing the flags. Secondly, they risk looking like a know-it-all. Thirdly, they risk threatening the person whose role they take over. Lastly--and most importantly--most people just would never think of making such a change, especially when in the midst of an attention-intensive task. This is partly due also to the idea people often have that you cannot change procedures mid-task.

That is why Patrick was so deserving of the award.


i agree with you (that these people show almost no leadership qualities) but it only serves to prove my point - most of these 'paladins' were never in the running for hero status. shondo yes. and i think patrick should be runner up.

the 'paladins' are wussies who rarely take any initiative. i was very surprised when they finally raised their suspicions of the vizier with ansgar and the queen. and the time they asked ansgar how he knew the prisoner. because most of the time, they whisper among themselves and are afraid to speak up as though they're in kindergarten. that is NOT heroic.


I was glad to see her go.
