how much is set up

I was looking forward to seeing the next adventures of the 5, but after watching several episodes, I am really disappointed. I didn't particularly like Kate the first go round, but I like her here - she seems to be the only one acting like an adult. I can't believe how rude and potty mouthed the rest all seem. How much of this is real and how much is scripted or semi-scripted??


Every situation is set up. (All these people just happen to find their house in Sarasota?). But I genuinely believe the five of them have no clue what the producers are continually leading them into.



No, I meant all those OTHER people managed to find their house.

They're constantly running into people who have a beef with them, who have footage of Kate from NY, whatever. Keep in mind this stuff was all shot first, edited second, and aired third. It's not like the NY guy saw the first show of this season and said "Hey, they're in Florida, I'm going to go find them so I can embarrass Kate." He's a plant. Virtually every situation is a set-up.



I can't believe how rude and potty mouthed the rest all seem.

It would not be reality tv if at least 15% of the dialogue was not bleeped out.

Benoit killed 2x as many w/o a gun than Belcher did with one/S&W fighting climate change since 1852


Why does anyone care if it is scripted or not? It's on TV, it's meant to be entertainment pure and simple. If they came right out and said that it was a scripted series then no one would be making a big deal about it, but because some of the events may be pre planned (not scripted), or they may create drama for the show, that somehow takes away from it? We're not exactly watching something with a lot of value, its just meant to entertain you for an hour so don't get hung up on if they're "lying" to you. Most of the stuff you watch on tv is a bunch of made up crap but no one's questioning that. This is somehow supposed to be held to a higher standard???
