Eliminate Initial Intros

I wonder why they eliminated the intro/walk-in segments all of a sudden? It just feels odd and out of place that the camera immediately pans right to four random people bantering at each other.


Yea I miss that too it kinda sets the mood between the contestants


Maybe they are trying to get people to listen to the details. I already fast forward all the way to the first auction. Intro's are fake, money and instructions are repetitive, surprise at money is childish and shopping is silly. I like the show much more, now that I skip a few parts.


Little more extra time showing them cooking sabotaging each other.


I agree, but also eliminate the standard intro of rules. All they would have to do is explain that some background information is at the FN website. Someone who is seeing this show for the first time will eventually see by context how the game is played.



They won't eliminate the reading of the rules.

They want to draw in new viewers, get the people who just watched the previsions show to stay on the channel, etc. Telling viewers to go to the internet and then jumping right into the auction is a way to drive away would-be new viewers.


Time for more commercials.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.—Joseph of Cordoba


I like watching them shop, especially when they can't make it out. They should make the pantry smaller so it's harder to move around in there.


It's fine. I don't need to know that much about the people.

The less trash talk, the better, IMO.
