*Huge Spoiler Alert*

.. I knew it from the moment Veronque(or however you spell her damn name).. I knew it from the moment she snuck into his "locked" bedroom on their first night in "the couple's house"!


Of course you did. It's the big brain, clearly. And the post, was a bit of a boastful celebration?


Oh, yes, horsecock, because I'm one of those people who always posts that they knew it all(NOT).. No, not at all, in fact in all my years of posting this was the only time I ever posted how predictable a movie was from the onset.


Can someone match up the shoes with the killers please? Was Jack a killer also? Something tells me that he is...

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


Liberals can only say someone is stupid but don't have brains to argue facts.


Ohh boo hoo, the hater had his feelings hurt.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


I've had the opposite experience buck
