Kickbacks or Not

Kickbacks or not... This idea that hard sentencing is the way to rehabilitation is disgusting and is based completely on ignorance & fear.

Ciavarella is now getting a taste of his own medicine. Hard time buddy, enjoy it.


No kidding, I kept thinking that if he wasn't handing down those draconian sentences for minor offences for the money, that almost makes it worse. That just means he's a psychotic mad man that the system should have weeded out long before he reached such a powerful position. The judge that sentenced him should have told him the harsh sentence was for his own benefit, he's just looking out for his best interest.


So... You are bigoted against the mentally ill? A group that is targeted for no reason. And you claim t o tale the high road?


You know, that's a good point, I hadn't thought of it that way before, probably shouldn't have used that terminology.


Wow, a well thought out, reasonable response to criticism on the internet. I salute you, sir.☺


You know, that's a good point, I hadn't thought of it that way before, probably shouldn't have used that terminology.

You used the right terminology. Don't let someone who completely missed your point take away from your point, which was spot on. Her latching onto that was the equivalent of pointing out a typo.

No need to apologize.


Yes, need to apologize. And he did.People are much more likely to be the victim of violence and abuse if they are mentally ill- You people have more in common with this guy than you think You call harmful slurs "typo's". Are racist and sexist slurs also fine?


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.


I think she was being serious.

I am projecting that she's a girl b/c I can picture someone that I work with (who is female) saying that exact same stupid thing.

As far as I'm concerned silverred999 is Becky from work. And Becky is dumb.


So... You are bigoted against the mentally ill?

So you think mentally ill people should be judges? I mean, we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings now would we?


No kidding, I kept thinking that if he wasn't handing down those draconian sentences for minor offences for the money, that almost makes it worse.

Could not agree more. If there wasn't money involved that would make him 10 times more sick in the head. The money makes his motives a bit more understandable. You take that off the table and this guy is just flat out nuts.

That just means he's a psychotic mad man that the system should have weeded out long before he reached such a powerful position.

I can't believe that one poster missed your point entirely (probably for the purpose of getting on her own high horse) and gave you a lecture. Obviously if there were no money the guy would be a psychopath. We can't just change the meanings of words b/c someone got their feelings hurt. You are a good guy for apologizing to her though. B/c she certainly didn't deserve one.

The judge that sentenced him should have told him the harsh sentence was for his own benefit, he's just looking out for his best interest.

It was funny that when he was on trial he was acting like the victim. "What am I supposed to tell my grandchildren?" Um, I don't that you are a huge piece of garbage and deserve to sit in a cage until you die? Yeah, tell them that.


the easy headline is he sentenced kids for money.. but truth is he isnt some evil bad guy from a movie. He was overly sentancing kids long before. it was is *beep* up belief he was doing right.. even though as a judge he should of know better. though the city new this and didnt care when they appointed him! so they have no one to blame but themselves...


I agree completely. A system without compassion and based on revenge instead of redemption is evil.
