this is what

voting Republican gets you, idiots...


Ciavarella and Conahan were both democrats.


WRONG- Republicans would target a 'hated' underclass for sure, exploiting racism to hurt powerless minorities. It takes a criminal Democrat to simply hurt people for the pure pleasure of the misery they cause, without regard for the background of the victim.

This 'cash for kids' scandal has every minority activist across the USA saying "so what, this happens to minority children every day of the week, and no-one gives a damn". Indeed, if the monsters responsible for this scandal had not victimised 'nice' 'white' families, they would still be at liberty today.

Watch 'cash for kids' and know that today, the same obscene evil is being inflicted on children all across the USA, wherever families are too poor or too disadvantaged to fight back. The state of Texas BOASTS of sending children to prison over any and every act of 'naughtiness' at school, without regard to criminal law, or fundamental Human Rights.

Tony Blair's Academy Schools are rapidly following the worst abuses of Pennsylvania and Texas. In one such school, a six-year old has been recently suspended because his parents provide him a small packet of cheese biscuits with his lunch.

The 'cash for kids' abuse followed a long media campaign conditioning ordinary people to expect such viciously acts of 'discipline' at local schools. The mainstream media in the UK runs daily propaganda calling for the same form of abuse in our schools. Blair also ensured his powerful friends were able to build private prisons in ever increasing numbers, requiring an ever increasing prison population.


It is about privatization of our prisons, turning them into for profit centers.

If you don't think that has anything to do with Republican's, the "privatize everything" party, you're wrong and mis-informed, or ignorant.


You're right.

You're not a writer Fink, you're a goddamn write off


I noticed that you ignored this...

Ciavarella and Conahan were both democrats.

Why? Did it not fit into your narrative?


No, this is about corrupt democrats being but a few cogs in a larger political system of corruption, influence, ignorance and apathy. And yes, Wilkes-Barre and its neighbor Scranton are heavy democrat towns. Just enough republican sheeple in the surrounding mountains to make Luzerne County look lib-balanced. The real problem, if it is not obvious, is the systematic acceptance of a corrupt juvenile court system. This system was brought down externally as the documentary shows. What the documentary barely touches is that it was also brought down internally from whistle-blowers who themselves were up to their respective eyeballs in corruption. Ciavarella was born and raised in this atmosphere as was Conahan. Business as usual. That is what makes Ciavarella's cluelessness so priceless. He honestly believes he did nothing wrong. That speaks volumes.


The entire US is corrupted.

Take a look at other countries and you should see that no matter which side you stand on politically, there is always human rights, childrens rights.

In the Us? Power has rights.
