So happy there is a show that goes into the behind the scenes of cosplay.
I am hoping to lightly dabble in it myself anyone have any advice?

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."


If you aren't pretty - quit.



"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."


Also don't forget you need to have giant boobs too so that way you can show them off endlessly.


I'm glad you liked it Ryoko, Unlike some negative Nellys who gripe about it ruining cosplay.


I'm with you. We all know that "Reality Shows" aren't completely real but that does not mean that this show has ruined cosplay. The show is fun.

Kirk out.


Also agree with you Pillar81. I would have liked to have seen more technique, but I enjoyed it enough to watch the second episode. :-)


1. Smile from the heart (have fun)
2. Give it your best
3. Be original
4. Don't be afraid to ask questions

This website might help:



I have been cosplaying for about 4 years. Mostly Doctor Who characters. For me it IS all about having fun. Since I can't sew, part of the fun is scouring thrift stores, eBay, and in some cases the hardware store for pieces and parts to put together.

I never take it too seriously, and I always remember my cosplay mantra: Close enough is good enough.


"Just this once, Rose..."


Uh...have fun, remember it's CosPLAY not CosSERIOUS, and don't forget to have a loving spouse you can boss around to help you make your costume.

You and your mom are hillbillies; this is a house of learned doctors.
