
This was far from the only thing that bothered me about this moderately entertaining but very sloppy movie, but this was so egregious I just have to pursue it:

Shep shoots Leland through his desk. Leland falls backwards onto the floor. We see a blurry POV shot from Leland looking up at Shep as Shep slowly puts his hand over the camera lens.(i.e. Leland's face) Fade to black.

A short while later, we see Leland, very much alive, still,(for God knows what reason,) wearing the bulletproof vest that saved his life as he has a nice relaxed conversation with Wallace.

Anyone care to explain why Shep didn't finish him off and since he wasn't finishing him off, what the hell that POV shot was all about?


Was wondering the exact thing! Not to mention he didn't even say anything to the new sheriff about it haha


i just saw the movie and so the after-credits (end titlles) scene.

they are both in a bar talking...
i don't really understand that scene...
The white paper was a list too...
so i guess Leland was part of the villains too....

or i understand he just finished the job list but the girl remains in live..


I was wondering the same thing! Was Leland a bad guy all along? Remember early on in the film he tells Wallace something like bad people are all around and could be someone you know?


tripster1_2000....Leland was a good cop all along but this horrid writing decided to make him the new hitman in the end...he simply took John Leguizamos place as the hitman following the list...just another movie with some horrible pathetitc writing.


I don't thing the white paper was a list. He just put it on the cup so that when he kills the dealer, blood won't just spill into the coffee. It was just to cover the cup.


The BOSS of this place
