MovieChat Forums > The Lazarus Effect (2015) Discussion > Can we please stop this 10% brain myth

Can we please stop this 10% brain myth

It ruins movies for me knowing the basis is due to a stupid myth, thats long been proven flagrantly false.

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted


They mention that it is a myth in the movie and that is not what is going on. Maybe watch before you judge.


he said you only use 10% at a time, and that she was using too much, i watched it.

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted


"The myth's durability, Gordon says, stems from people's conceptions about their own brains: they see their own shortcomings as evidence of the existence of untapped gray matter. This is a false assumption. What is correct, however, is that at certain moments in anyone's life, such as when we are simply at rest and thinking, we may be using only 10 percent of our brains."


It is much more than that. The brain cells develop new connections among themselves all the time. Every time you learn something new, even if you are 80 years old, there are some new connections that develop between cells. There are TRILLIONS of possible permutation between the 100 billion brain cells we all have. So, the brain does have a huge potential of doing new things.


Finaly people who know what they are talking about :-)


The myth is that you only use 10% of your brain. The fact is that you only use 10%... AT A TIME.





Thats called being an idiot.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


We use varying portions of the brain depending on what we are doing, and if translated to percentage it varies from as low as 3% to as high as 30%. there is no task we came up with that would load the brain even close to 100% usage, though, humans just cant work like that and noone knows what would happen if for some reason that would be possible. Now, of course, the idea that that would translate to telepathy and telekinesis is silly, but the while "We dont use our whole brain at once" is hardly a myth.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Do you think it's true what I've heard that native Americans are more "open minded" than others? I want to believe that their spirit walking and ability to see and hear paranormal beings actually stems from using more brain power. That would mean that it's in there, somewhere, like an enigma.
Writing from Sweden where we've got our own natives called Samer. They have shamans and go on spirit journeys and uses sweat lodges as well. Really, really interesting stuff.


Studies of brain damage: If 90 percent of the brain is normally unused, then damage to these areas should not impair performance. Instead, there is almost no area of the brain that can be damaged without loss of abilities. Even slight damage to small areas of the brain can have profound effects.
Brain scans have shown that no matter what one is doing, all brain areas are always active. Some areas are more active at any one time than others, but barring brain damage, there is no part of the brain that is absolutely not functioning.
The brain is enormously costly to the rest of the body, in terms of oxygen and nutrient consumption. It can require up to 20 percent of the body's energy—more than any other organ—despite making up only 2 percent of the human body by weight.[14][15] If 90 percent of it were unnecessary, there would be a large survival advantage to humans with smaller, more efficient brains. If this were true, the process of natural selection would have eliminated the inefficient brains. It is also highly unlikely that a brain with so much redundant matter would have evolved in the first place; given the historical risk of death in childbirth associated with the large brain size (and therefore skull size) of humans,[16] there would be a strong selection pressure against such a large brain size if only 10 percent was actually in use.
Brain imaging (neuroimaging): Technologies such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allow the activity of the living brain to be monitored. They reveal that even during sleep, all parts of the brain show some level of activity. Only in the case of serious damage does a brain have "silent" areas.
Localization of function: Rather than acting as a single mass, the brain has distinct regions for different kinds of information processing. Decades of research have gone into mapping functions onto areas of the brain, and no function-less areas have been found.
Microstructural analysis: In the single-unit recording technique, researchers insert a tiny electrode into the brain to monitor the activity of a single cell. If 90 percent of cells were unused, then this technique would have revealed that.
Synaptic pruning: Brain cells that are not used have a tendency to degenerate. Hence if 90 percent of the brain were inactive, autopsy of normal adult brains would reveal large-scale degeneration.

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted


You can sometimes only be using 10% of your brain capacity at one time, for instance; at rest. That does not mean that the other 90% is unused. For instance, whilst reading a book, you will use different parts of the brain than you do at rest.

Therefore you need all portions, you just don't use all portions at the same time.

It's really not that complicated.


You can sometimes only be using 10% of your brain capacity at one time, for instance; at rest.

Nope, you are wrong my friend.


90% of brain is normally unused at some tasks, but it is used for other tasks. we dont have all brian being used all the time.

Also there were cases where people had accidents to the point of having 5 inch pole rammed through their heads AND LIVED. they were still conciuos and remmebered who they are and what happened. Future studies shown that the mood and some factors (like risk aversion) were damaged, however. however these people managed to live on for decades quite normally, well, as much as you can live normally with a head deformity.

You are completely wrong about brain scans, not all areas are active at the same time. in fact our knowledge of brain activity stems precisely from this - we track brain network activity based on different tasks to know which part is responsible for what.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Dude, 3 people before you in this thread have already stated exactly what was said in the movie, we do use 100% of our brain but not all of it all the time, we use between 5% and 25% with the median being about 10-15% so both the film and the previous posters are completely correct...

Yet, you posted this dollop of nonsense about "If that were true then most brain damage would have no effect" again reiterating the original myth that we only use the same 10%

Are you stupid, incapable or deliberately trying not to comprehend what people are saying? We DO need our entire brain, but at any one moment we can be using as little as 5% of it. Try to get that through your incomprehensible head.

There is proof, it's called a functional MRI scan or fMRI, it can highlight in real time which neuronal bundles are firing at any time and depending on what we are doing the vast majority of our brain will be dark, because they will serve no purpose during the current task being carried out.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Can we stop with stupid threads like this. Its a horror movie, not a documentary. Why question this and not the whole you know bringing people back from the dead?


the real myth is thinking that only the brain is responsible for thinking, read "descartes error" for example.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


depends on how you define thinking. if you consider automated actions such as beathing as thinking then yes, your back-brain also does some of the thinking. however if you consider (un)conciuos though as thinking then yes, thats in the brain.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


But you have no problem with the proven false myth about raising someone from the dead?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I know a few people who I think only use about 10% of their brain.


As do I. They are called Hoosiers.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


Can we please stop this 10% brain myth

One question for you, if we use all our brain 100%, then why are there people that have a IQ of almost 200, 2x more than the average person?

One simple answer i can see, they use more of there brain, so yes we do not use 100% of our brains.


The brain is a very intricate organ. I don't think it is as simple as how large percent of it we use. I think everyone are using their brains 100%, but not all at once. There are different regions of the brain that controls different things.
I think many people have the assumption that more is better, bigger is better etc., but using more of your brain at once isn't necessary a good thing. I'm not an expert at the subject, but I guess it will cause an overload (seizure). You won't be able to sort out all the information coming in.
Being intelligent has more to do with how you make (and break) connections in your brain. Not that IQ is a good measure of intelligence.

This sentence has nothing to do with what I just have written above.

