I waited all this time, just to be fed this slop! WTF!? I had to come on here to see if this was an Asylem rip off! I mean come on... a Chinook was too over weight to take on one more guy, lol... What the FVCK ever! And that ending... Are you FVCKING serious!!!??? I guess they ran out of money!

What an insult to the first movie, SMH!


" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT "


I just watched it and I am sadly forced to agree with you on every point and add a few rants:

- What the F is up with using third rate actors!? Pretty much not one good actor in the whole movie.

- The chopper-CGI was horrible - just like the ones that THE ASSYLUM uses.

- All of a sudden: unlimited ammo. Cheeeeeeeezzeeeeuzzz!

- Everyone in India speaks proper English.

BUT, for being so horribly bad, it was pretty good...



See the first film. It's way better. What a disappointment. Hm.


I hate to tell you this but the majority of Indians with any formal education learn 3 languages at a minimum- their native language, since there are over 151 languages and dialects, Hindi, the national language, and English. America is the only country that has people who think they need to learn only one language.Learning other languages helps you understand and empathize with others, helps with math, social concepts, etc. Polyglots are always aware of social cues and nuances that others may miss. We also catch the jokes that writers include as character's names to tell you what the nature of the person is since they are often French or German or even the clever jokes based on English that exceeds the 4th grade level.

(You guessed it.I am an immigrant seriously thinking of outrunning Hitler-again.)


The first movie was a triumph but part 2 is frustratingly bad. The movie no doubt had heart and the directing was quite good but the rest was horrible. There were so many scenes that were beyond ridiculous and cliche ridden it made me roll my eyes. I would not recommend part 2.

