MovieChat Forums > Tiger House (2015) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Tiger House

100 things I learned from Tiger House

1. The fastest method of travel is to crawl on your hands and knees

2. I'm a Dr. I know what I'm doing... proceeds to just pull out a huge glass shard and put a towel against the open wound.

3. Nobody in a silent room can hear you drag a bag across the floor

4. Or even when slightly distracted, doesn't notice someone slide 5' out from under a bed

5. Good time to add a layer of clothing is when in an attic, the most stylish red uniform btw.

6. Little known fact: Donning such a uniform imbues you with assassin's creed level of acrobatics... you will then proceed to bypass a criminal who has already given you a free pass, by scaling a banister and up to the next levels landing. Then jump out a window from the second floor.

7. Oh yes, when you let the hostage out, don't tell him to get help or anything, you've got this.

8. Forget entirely about calling for help as well, what a waste of time that would be.


1. This was 8 things, not 100.

2. In response to number 6, it's explained early on that she's a gymnast. Not just any gymnast, but one that trains on a daily basis, and has plans to travel the world and compete in multiple countries.

3. In response to your number 8, her phone died earlier in the film. I didn't see any landline phones. And by the time she started killing all there intruders, there's no need to call for help.


9. ^^ this retard has never been on a forum for a bad movie before and seen one of these threads obviously.


In response to 2. That was until her dumbass boyfriend shot her in the leg with a crossbow, ruining her career, and then getting her pregnant.


9. When going upstairs, climb the rails since you are a gymnast instead of sprinting by the nearly dead coma guy.

10. When looking for a place to hide in the bedroom when you 1st hear intruders, scramble around and ignore the awesome hiding spot in the attic you just used to hide from the mom. Choose under the bed.


11. It's ok to steal money if you are having a bastard child
12. Guns can't shoot through glass
13. Don't shoot a criminal in the back, instead trick him to get yourself within his reach
14. When said criminal is trying too reach for a gun, don't bother shoot him again
15. When you're BF asks you to hold his weapon, just hold it so you don't lose your career (no pun intended)
16. Don't drive in the ready getaway car, instead waste time packing all the money in a traceable car
17. The police/ fire department never show up
18. Always make noise in the attic if you don't want the mother to hear you
19. ... and Make sure you maintain eye contact when she looks up
20. Make sure you scream your head off showing your panic to the attacker
21. Instead of simply moving a box with a couple of books, just drill holes in it so they'd fall

